It seems I either mis heard or I was told wrongly . It was my inflammatory markers that had shot up to 88! Have to have repeat blood tests tomorrow and also provide a water sample in case it’s an underlying infection. If inflammatory markers still high and no sign of infection I will be given a short course of steroids. Is this normal?
Update on my abnormal blood tests: It seems I either... - NRAS
Update on my abnormal blood tests
Yes, fairly normal I imagine as this has happened to me. Do you feel as if you are flaring? Or do you feel ill? Or neither as your markers can shoot up & down quite quickly!
A few weeks ago my esr levels were 96 and crp of 56 I was told to increase my steroids for a few weeks and decrease to my usual dosage
Hiya Barb. There are two types of inflammatory markers... ESR (chronic or long-term inflammation) & CRP (acute or short-term inflammation), both values can fluctuate with RD or any long term inflammatory disease. I would think it's your CRP they're concerned with. It could be inflammation from RD or inflammation from another cause usually an infection. This will be why they're doing repeat bloods & require a urine sample, that will be to test for infection & if that's ok then it's inflammation & a short course of steroids will be to bring it down. I hope they do anyway.
CRP was 88 and ESR was 75.
Well that's short term inflammation as suspected. It could be disease activity but could also be some infection being a current abnormal value. See what the urine sample comes back with, they'll just do a dipstick test I would think so you'll know straight away whether you need antibiotics or steroids.