Dear All
I have RA and Gilbert’s syndrome (GS), it is estimated at least 1 in 20 people have Gilbert’s syndrome.
Gilbert’s syndrome (GS) is a condition in which you have higher than normal amounts of bilirubin in your blood due to not have enough of the liver UGT enzyme to modify the bilirubin at the normal rate.
The British Liver Trust web site under Gilberts syndrome, mentions that although it is uncommon, there is a possibility that lack of the UGT enzyme can have an effect on the way you respond to certain medications.
I am trying to find out how many people also have RA with GS and are taking Methotrexate (or other DMARDs) and found GS effects are made worst by methotrexate ? (see British Liver Trust and NHS web sites for list)
Information on GS can be found on :-
British Liver Trust
NHS web site
I have some of the of the common symptoms / side effects that is attribute to GS , these symptoms appear to be made worst by taking Methotrexate which I have been taking since 2013 , originally I was on 25 mg and managed to get this reduced to 15 mg once a week because of side effects, to help reduce the side effects I take 5mg Folic Acid once a day except on the day taking the Methotrexate.
I also inject Cimzia every two weeks which does not appear to cause problems.
After taking Methotrexate I have found that it appears to take several days (4 days) for me to feel that the side effects have reduced back down.
I look forward to hearing from others people with GS