Hello everyone this is a long story but will summarise:
October 2017; I feel fatigue and under the weather for a few days, then all my joints are painful and stiff, especially my hands and feet which lasts for four weeks. GP takes bloods, everything normal, diagnosis of fibromyalgia.
February 2018; similar thing happens. I think I have SLE, but again bloods come back normal.
May 2018; same thing again, bloods taken, but GP thinks it's mental health which is incorrect.
October 2018; Knuckles and ankles, painful, stiff and swollen. Lower back stiff first thing in the morning, difficulty sitting up. Go back to the GP, who says its not RA but some kind of arthritic condition triggered by a low level bug and the swelling will go down in a few days but to come back in four weeks for blood tests if swelling is still persisting.
November 2018; blood tests satisfactory, no further action required.
It is now February, for four months the pain and swelling in my hands, wrists and ankles have got progressively worse. Both my little finger joints (left and right hand) above knuckles are swelling more causing a slight crooked appearance. I had to make a verbal complaint to surgery who finally referred me to rheumatology on January 16th 2019. Only problem is that the two hospitals which take referrals have not had a referral for me. NICE guidelines state that anyone with normal blood results but physically shows synovitis must be urgently referred to rheumatology. This has not happened with me. I wrote a letter of complaint to GP surgery with photos of my swollen hands, ankles and feet which my husband handed in today. But, I have not received any communication from the surgery. While this rumbles on, the swelling and pain is getting worse, with my fingers now beginning to swell just below the first joint. I've had no pain relief or steroids to help with the pain and inflammation. I just don't know where to go from here. Most of my joints above knuckle joints are swelling now and symmetrical.