Hello there, would love some advice...basically, I have some symptoms of RA, however, my bloods came back negative, so the GP is wanting to diagnose me with Fibromyalgia, but I’m not convinced, mainly because of the swollen knuckles, my symptoms are....
Painful swollen knuckles (can’t get my rings over the knuckle part anymore)
Very painful and very stiff joints, mainly knees, knuckles and elbows,
Very bad morning stiffness that lasts around 15 mins
My arms get ‘stuck’ with stiffness/pain if I carry anything or hold an umbrella for more than 5 mins
Legs get stiff and painful very quickly If I don’t keep moving and sit for more than 10 mins
Waves of extreme tiredness/weakness
Chronic (unexplained) anaemia
History of recurrent bacterial lung infections.
It does feel like some type of arthritis, it is in the family too,
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! thank you for reading.........
I added pic of the worst affected finger, can’t get my engagement band off and can’t get my wedding ring over the knuckle again, (it’s only the knuckles that are swollen, the rest of the hand/fingers aren’t swollen) 😊