Hello - I appear to have an issue with my vision in one of my eyes and wonder if anyone has the same issue or advice. I have a type of ghost vision, and my eye feels like it has a film over it making everything seem misty. Any ideas or experience of this? Thanks
Eye issue : Hello - I appear to have an issue with my... - NRAS
Eye issue

Please have an eye test 👍 With this disease and drugs we have to be very careful .
Hi are you taking painkillers? Sometimes they can do this if they are strong but it is probably worth having an eye test. Sarah x
This needs to be checked out as soon as possible. Doctor, optician, whoever but please get your eyes checked. Your eyes are so precious
To be honest if this were me I would be ringing the out of hours doctors for advice. Just to be safe. ( not trying to scare you or anything )
You need to take medical advice. Eyes are delicate & precious........find a minor injuries unit or A&E.....something that could be a detached retina needs urgent attention,
Never ignore eye symptoms like that....hopefully it is nothing serious, but get attention....soon.
I am struggling with exactly the same symptoms, as if someone has smeared oil over the front of my eye, glasses and contacts are no help. The optician referred me to the eye ward at the hospital, they weren’t worried and gave me artificial tears saying it was dry eyes. The drops aren’t helping and I’m still waiting to see a consultant. It is very debilitating as I have a stressful job which requires good vision also driving is really difficult. I hope they can sort you out.
Both my eyes often feel as if there is a film over them. It can get very troublesome and worsens when I feel unwell. I've been seen by the optician several times , it's all part of the RD. Drops help. But best have it checked out.
Personally I've found the opticians to be far superior to the GPs and you can often be seen within 24 hrs. My optician wrote to the GP with a prescription request for eye drops which I now have on repeat prescription.
You need to have the eye properly evaluated by an eye doctor, using instruments that allow examination of the eye's interior, along with a refraction. The eye condition may be a problem unto itself. Nobody can, legitimately, offer a diagnosis (or guess) without a hands-on examination. (Retired optometrist.)
In this area people can be seen urgently by the optician - the NHS has a contract with them to do this work. Ask if you can be seen urgently for a diagnosis, but it is likely that it is due to dry eyes and nothing more serious - but get it checked.
I've had problems with my eyes they hurt so much in a morning and then watering all day and bleary I've had loads of drops and regular checks at optician I'm on hydx I've been referred off my doctor since September for eye hospital app but so far nothing just a letter acknologing the request I'm so fed up and it's annoying the waiting it just getting worse
Yes sounds like cataract I have them on both eyes , see your optician
I found the worst thing that affected my vision was diclofenac had tunnel vision couldn’t see anything peripheral vision was non existent. Common side effect apparently who knew ?? Could be cataracts because I seem to have them now too best to go and get them checked at optician wouldn’t go to GP not their speciality. Unfortunately RA and eye issues not all of them serious go hand in hand.
Are you taking hydroxchlorquine? I know these can cause eye problems cataracts and so forth.
Hydroxychloroquine can cause irreversible blindness if you ignore symptoms. Very serious indeed.
I was warned about the need for regular eye tests before I started hydroxychloroquine and every time I see my rheumatologist the importance of regular eye checks is mentioned.
My optometrist does a thing called an OCT for me every year just before I see my rheumatologist, I get a print out of the results and take them with me to get scanned onto my hospital file.
Having similar problems with my right eye. Have made an appt with the optician to get it checked out but I suspect it's sjorgens as I'm also getting a dry mouth as well. In the mean time I'm using over the counter drops.
Get it checked asap
I would make an appointment with a good local optician ASAP - wouldn’t bother going to your doctor. Optometrists have a far better knowledge of eye conditions and a lot of them can do direct referrals to consultants if you need to go.
It could be something as simple as dry eyes that can be treated with eye drops - make sure you get preservative free drops - you have to put them in regularly throughout the day and don’t stop using them when your eyes feel a bit better because you will always need to use them.
You can also get a thing called an eye bag that you pop in the microwave to heat up or you can squeeze out a face cloth in hot water and hold that against your eyes. That feels good.
If you are taking hydroxychloroquine you should have been told you need regular eye checks that is very important- you may also be given a thing called an Amsler chart to monitor your own eyesight on a regular basis.
Dry eyes are horrible and can be epxtremely painful but whatever yo dogo and see your local optometrist.
Hello all - I thought I’d post an update on my eye issues. After various consultations (and missed diagnosis from optician) I have a full blown cataract in my right eye and the left one is not far behind. I have dry eye syndrome and also early glaucoma. Btw I’m 50 !! Both cataracts are being done in a few weeks with treatment for the glaucoma to follow. I also eye drops for dry eyes. Some ophthalmologists are saying possible steroid use may have caused this but none are entirely sure. Thanks for all the comments and feedback as it made me take this seriously, thank heavens!