D..day for hubby.........: Well it has come around for... - NRAS


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D..day for hubby.........

sylvi profile image
50 Replies

Well it has come around for my dh colonoscopy day. Yesterday we were both like bears with a sore head. He was not only worried about this upcoming procedure,but how i will cope with the driving today. So much so he asked our son to pick him up from the hospital as it will be dark then. He is also worried about me because 1, he is my main carer and 2, because i have been in a lot of pain with it to be honest. I snapped at him all the time(and before you men start saying blimey a woman who admits to being snappy,Take note Paul,Chongo,lol) I would bite his head off because we are trying o put the trees togther and all the lights round the house as well. I was trying to help him and i was not doing it wrong etc. Get the picture everyone. Anyway he couldn't eat anything after breakfast so yes i can understand why he was grumpy. He got me some lunch and i took the decision not to have any tea( i have had weightloss surgery so it doeasn't matter if i miss a meal) and after a rest me laying flat out on my recliner and a cup of tea. So instead of having something to eat at teatime he was getting restless,so i said lets get the decorations down and put all the baubles on the tree. I sat on the floor and took all the glass baubles out so he could put them on the tree. I can't stand much now and my back was so painful so it was easier for me to sit and help rather than get restless because i can't do it anymore. Peace reigned at last for both of us. We are a good team and we worry about each other a lot.

I am fed up with my body and it is not just my body my mental state is not good either. I am more fed up because i can't do what i did last year and have to accept i can't do it.

Anyway i am driver today (hubby is worried about me driving because of my back) and getting the scooter in and out of the car. Hubby will put it in the car for me and i can get it out when i go for my nails. I am sure i can get someone to help me get it in the car. Sorry for the longish and probally boring post.xxxx

Our daughter this morning.xx

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sylvi profile image
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50 Replies
Mmrr profile image

sylvi your posts are never boring ! best wishes to you and your hubby today. ..and your daughter looks amazing, what a bonny face.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Mmrr

Thank you darling,my daughter takes after her dad,xxxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sylvi

I disagree Sylvi. I've thought it before but not said it for one reason or another, I think she takes after both of you.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

She is certainly a daddies girl.xxx

in reply to sylvi

Ah well, she wouldn't be here except for you! Take at least 50% of the pride, or maybe 100% each.

A photo to be proud of! Sorry for your pain and hubby's anxiety. It's hardly surprising you both feel irritable. i hope all goes smoothly today, that you both sleep well tonight, and tomorrow is a sweeter day.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thanks darling,its nice to feel useful for a change. I sat and sorted baubles hubby dressed the tree and i never told him where to put them either. That zip on my mouth works fine.lol.

in reply to sylvi

Well done you!

Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to sylvi

Well done. Better than me with Christmas trees. Im very possessive.

Beachgirl profile image

Hope the colonoscopy goes ok, these things have to be done, once today is over hopefully you’ll both feel better that it’s over.

I’m sure you’ll cope with your driving just fine Sylvi you have a lot on your mind. Sending you both big hugs and hope all goes well xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Beachgirl

I will relax when he is home tonight. xxxx

Gigi71 profile image

Wishing your hubby all the best, I expect you are very concerned for him too sylvi. It's difficult out of our comfort zone. I'm sure your house is giving you both lots of joy, dressed for Christmas. Lovely photo of your daughter you must both be proud of her. Take care and enjoy having your nails done. Hugs G x

Ruth12345 profile image

Thinking of all your family today. Love and hugs. X

Smiler53 profile image

I love your honesty Sylvi. There's a lot going on with both of you at the moment, so understandable that you have these moments out of shear frustration and love for one another. You are a lovely couple. Wishing you both all the best for today.

keeta profile image

Thinking of you both today sylvi .hugs xxkathyxx

nomoreheels profile image

Oh how I relate to this! When you both have health concerns it's difficult & this has been one of your bigger tests hasn't it? x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

Yes it has been not knowing what was wrong with him. xxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sylvi

I know. Hopefully things will be clearer later today. Till then don't do too much but keep yourself busy. Well that's an oxymoron isn't it?!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

Just a bit as everytime i get on my feet my bloody back hurts,you want to see me perched on a stool putting baubles on the trees.xxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sylvi

Have OT not given you a perching stool? I have 2, one in the kitchen & one under the stairs for doing stuff around the house (was for ironing but h does that nowadays when I don't send it out. They're a lot easier on the back I find.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

I have a stool for the kitchen and i have been using it this afternoon and i have a stool in the bathroom so i can sit at the sink when cleaning my teeth.xxx

sjhewitt42 profile image

What a testing time for you both! I hope hubby is ok today and you both manage your trip out without any hiccups. I’m sure someone will help you with the scooter. Let us all know how you both are later. Sarah xx

popsmith1874 profile image

A lot off the time you snap his head off you probably don't realise your doing it pet as I'm quick tempered when I'm in pain and you don't realise your doing it half the time plus being in pain all the time takes its toll and you'll also be worrying about each other's health xxx

Fatfingers profile image

Hi Sylvi, I hope everything goes well for you both today. Just think tonight when you're both back safe and admiring the tree you can tell hubby where he's gone wrong with the tree decorations lol...

PS you're daughter looks very smart & proud. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Fatfingers

I wouldn't dare its bad enough when i am driving with him in the car as he sits there with his feet driving for me and telling all the humps etc you get the picture. I love him though.xxx

Fatfingers profile image
Fatfingers in reply to sylvi

My wife says I'm the same and makes me drive everywhere if I'm in the car....x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Fatfingers

When he retired and took over doing the housework it was bloody difficult for me watching him putting the sheets on the line like we have miles of line to spare. I had to bit my tongue and NOT go behind him and put them on the way i am used to. I am getting better and doing as i am told these days.lol. xx

Fatfingers profile image
Fatfingers in reply to sylvi

When I make the bed my wife always starts moving the sheets & duvet & also plumps her pillows up again. It makes me laugh though. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Fatfingers

I am sure when i make the bed hubby does it too.As a rule he makes the bed and he does everything else for me and as yesterday proved i can't do it without him. By the days end i was so exhausted and still am shatttered and hubby was right to get our son to pick him up as i didn't think i could have done it.xxxxx

Fatfingers profile image
Fatfingers in reply to sylvi

You sound like a great couple sylvi, looking out for each other. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Fatfingers

Well darling if we don't take care about each other who will do it,i know we have two adult children,but they have their own lives to lead while we are winding ours down. This is our time now.xxx

Fatfingers profile image
Fatfingers in reply to sylvi

Exactly what me and my wife are doing. Both our kids are doing their own thing, youngest (son) 20 and at uni, and daughter 26 who is in the process of buying her first house with boyfriend. My wife looked after her parents who both have passed away in the last 18 months which has been very tough on her. It's her birthday today so we've had a little bit of retail therapy for her. The kids will both arrive soon and then we're off to friends for dinner. Have a lovely evening sylvi. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Fatfingers

Happy birthday to you darling wife then and i hope you all have a lovely evening together.xxxx

NeonkittyUK profile image

thinking of you xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to NeonkittyUK

Thank you darling.xxxx

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to sylvi


helixhelix profile image

Hope it all goes well for him, and they get rid of all the polyps. You'll both be sunny & happy when he'sback home.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to helixhelix

So do i darling as i don't think he will be keen to go back for a third time.xxx

pauluk60 profile image

you both in my thoughts and hope all goes well

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to pauluk60

Thanks Paul i am shattered now. He is down the hospital now.xxx

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to sylvi

love you sylvi will be thinking about you both hope you can get a rest without worrying

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to pauluk60

Thanks Paul darling i needed to hear that as i am trying to push through and get some stuff done before he comes home. I have the table to clear and do a bit of tidying up and i am trying to put baubles on the trees,but god i am struggling and i think i will soon have to stop as i am close to tears because i can't do it like i used.xxx

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to sylvi

i wish i was there to give you hug whatever you do sylvi will be top notch for him hope you both have nice evening together

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to pauluk60

Your right Paul(don't faint a woman agreeing with you) i know he will be happy if i just sat all afternoon. I have been doing a bit then sitting a bit.xxxx

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to sylvi

well we natter till he shows up cant we son is bringing him home sylvi

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to pauluk60

Yes Paul as hubby doesn't like me driving in the darl what with the way my back is and my eyes. I am a decrepit old thing i really am. Old age never comes on its own it brigs all its bloody friends with it.xxx

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to sylvi

what can we take it out of or bash could do with a bashing board/bag there would nowt left

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to pauluk60

You get worse darling.xxx

bencar profile image
bencar in reply to sylvi

Old age isn’t for wimps, that’s for sure!

nablur profile image

What a beautiful picture!

It’s amazing how we work so lovingly with our dear ones even when times are difficult. Grateful you can do everything you can do today. ❤️

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