Oh 'eck, think I've broke my toe!: I seem to be having... - NRAS


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Oh 'eck, think I've broke my toe!

wishbone profile image
23 Replies

I seem to be having a bit of bad luck lately. Fell asleep in my chair and somehow managed to kick the wall during a vivid bad dream...blinkin' tramadol! My toes are deformed and painful at the best of times so you can imagine the excruciating pain when I did it! :-( It's the toe next to my big one. I must have give the wall a good hard kick as it's badly bruised and swollen, I'm pretty sure it's broke. I don't know if it's worth going to hospital as I doubt they'll be able to do much as my toes are too painful to move. Wondering if it will mend on its own accord?..thoughts much appreciated.

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wishbone profile image
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23 Replies
Mmrr profile image

wishbone, I think you should seek some medical advice particularly since your toes are deformed.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Mmrr

Didn't want to hear that as no doubt you can tell by my post, but think you're probably right. Don't think the docs will be able to touch my toes without sedation. My big toe's had a bit of a bump as well but nowhere near as bad.

Gnarli profile image

Please do me a favour and get some professional advice. You really do need your toes looked at. If one is broken it may never heal properly making your situation even worse.


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Gnarli

I might seem like a big baby, but do you think they will sedate me because they will be really painful to move otherwise. I've never broke a bone before.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to wishbone

Explain your difficulties, although you shouldn't need to given how bad they are, and say - no sedation (or heavy duty painkillers), no examination. No way are you a big baby. They must blooming hurt when 'normal' let alone now. Please let us know how you get on. Huge hugs

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Gnarli

Ok, will do. I'll ask one of my children to take me to out of hours tomorrow.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to wishbone

Good thinking. I'll be crossing my fingers for you tomorrow

Gigi71 profile image

Please take Mmrr and Gnarli's advice, you definitely don't need any more problems, just tell them how you feel, they may just tape the toe to the ones either side. But best to get the treatment you need . X

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Gigi71

Taping my toes together is what I'm afraid of. :-) They were/are stiff and painful to move before this happened. Hopefully the docs will realise that before they attempt anything.

Gigi71 profile image
Gigi71 in reply to wishbone

I'm sure they will, hopefully just badly bruised. They won't make make matters worse. Take care. X

wishbone profile image

Thanks all.

Ruth12345 profile image

Ouch. Thinking of you. Let us know how you get on. Hope you have managed to get some sleelp.

popsmith1874 profile image

I would go and get them checked just to be sure and hopefully their just badly bruised xxx

Soreknees2016 profile image

I dropped a heavy glass dining table on my foot last year and broke four toes, so I know how you feel!! As the others have said, go to A&E - particularly with your existing problems, it’s wise to get this looked at and probably x-rayed to see the extent of any damage, including damage to toenails.

One of my toenails had to be removed (under anaesthetic- never felt a thing) but it then got infected and I ended up in hospital with cellulitis. I’m not saying this to put the wind up you, but just to show that when we have existing conditions, we seem to be more at risk of complications, so it’s wise to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Good luck and hope you get swift relief from the pain.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Soreknees2016

That must have been a nightmare, one is bad enough! I'm feeling even more of a baby after reading that! :-) Infections are my main fear! I've had my fair share of them, of which, just the one was due to surgery requiring a week's stay in hospital.

oldtimer profile image

It's quite usual just to strap one toe to the next as a splint if it's broken. So no need for alarm!

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to oldtimer

Even though I wasn't looking forward to it, that's what I thought they would do. However, things haven't turned out quite like that. I'll post an update later.

medway-lady profile image

You must go to A&E asap. Long term nerve damage could occur and yes they do give you a whiff of gas to straighten or they did me. I broke mine walking forward but looking backwards as I thought I'd tucked my skirt in my knickers. I had'nt but my toes caught the edge of the loo door. it really hurt. I called my husband on the golf course to come home as needed to go to A&E. He was in a competition so, so not happy. lol Anyway they xrayed and bound up as one toe was dislocated and the next one broken and after the doctor had stopped laughing at how it had ocurred I had to limp for days. They don't just whack things into place now and its vital to stop any more damage happening.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to medway-lady

Walking forwards while looking backwards!?...skirt not tucked in knickers!?...it was bound to end in tragedy! ;-) Seriously though, that sounds awful, but I can see how your doctor had a good laugh. My explanation of what happened to me also raised a few chuckles. No gas and air needed today, will update later.

MjRock profile image

Hi wishbone,

I have broken my toes 3 times in the past, I have become very accident prone of late too ha! With me I keep walking into inanimate objects. The first time I did take myself to hospital, they gave me paracetamol and sent me home. The 2nd occasion my neighbour who has done a first aid course got an ice lolly stick, broke it in half then sanded down the jagged end, she then placed the stick between my broken toe and good toe and strapped them together with a narrow tubigrip bandage. My neighbour told me her objective was to immobilise my broken toe which she made an exemplary job of. It healed in around 3 weeks. I hope this helps😆

Maria x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to MjRock

Hello Maria,

I have heard they often let broken toes heal on their own, which is why I asked members here. Think they might have given you something a bit stronger than paracetomol though, at least for the first day or two. No doubt immobolising a broken toe helps healing...well done neighbour!

After having an x-ray, the hospital could not tell if my toe/s are broke or not because they are too badly deformed. I've posted a recent update if you're interested.

Careful how you walk. :-)

MjRock profile image

P.s. my toes are deformed too and are extremely sensitive to pain, the slightest knock and I am in tears! My toe deformity was due to an accident in 2003. If you feel unsure then yes take yourself to your surgery because they do minor surgeries, so I know they will be able to advise you with your painful toes.

Maria x

keeta profile image

Do as you are told lovely .go to A&E

You.ve obviously done something. So get it looked at. Hugs xxkathyxx

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