Metho Monday: Well that was my 1st Methotrexate dose... - NRAS


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Metho Monday

Lauranorder profile image
28 Replies

Well that was my 1st Methotrexate dose taken at 6pm this evening and...........nothing.

I got myself quite worked up today thinking I was going to feel something and......nothing.

Is that a good start? If I was going to feel sick, would I be feeling it by now?

Or am I being lulled into a false sense of security?

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Lauranorder profile image
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28 Replies
Mmrr profile image

Lauranorder, I take my MTX at 6 pm on Mondays too, so welcome to the club !

Everyone is different, but you may feel a bit washed out tomorrow. Do keep yourself really well hydrated, drink more fluid this evening than you normally would, and have a bite to eat before you go to bed, toast or cereal work well for me.

You might find you are a hit hungry and thirsty tomorrow too, so eat and drink when necessary. I find lots of fluids are the answer.

Even people who who feel a bit nauseous at first find it settles within a few weeks. You will find what works for you. ...and you may have no side effects at all !!!!!

Lauranorder profile image
Lauranorder in reply to Mmrr

Ooh I love an evening bowl of cereal, and you’ve just given me the excuse for doing it, nice one 👍 thank you for the reply x

sylvi profile image

I don't feel any side effects either darling.xxxx

Paula-C profile image

When I took my first dose of mtx I actually went out that day with a carrier bag incase I was sick...I wasn't. Everything i increases the dose (think I started on 7.5mg) I expected something to happen....and it didn't. Not everyone gets side effects with mtx. It's the most widely used drug for RA, so that means more people on it, so you will read more reports of side effects. Good luck.

Pamelah5 profile image

It varies person to person with side effects. It was suggested with the known side affects to inject on a Friday evening which I still do. I experienced foggy head, nausea, extremely tiredness, was known as a duvet day, but seem to of got use to dosage, possibly as it is a low dose.

Pamela xx

Gnarli profile image

I'm thrilled for you and hope you're still feeling ok today. It's always worth remembering that it's those struggling with our nasty condition and the meds for it who post here. Everyone else is too busy getting on with their lives. Hugs


Stormpetrel profile image

Dear Lauranorder

I remember it so well taking my first doses of MXT. I thought it was like poisoning my body!! And I am a nurse and should know better. But the benefits should far outway your fears. I couldn’t even bend my knees then even hardly walk, after several months of MXT I got most of my life back. I took it for 6 years and it was my friend!! Had to come off it this year as my liver finally decided to protest. Yes I got some pretty bad nausea. I took it at night and I found taking folic acid every day really helped the nausea problem. Good luck on your journey. You are not alone.

Stormpetrel profile image

By the way I am 53 too!

nomoreheels profile image

I second what Gnarli says. On forums in the main you only read of those having negative reactions to any med, MTX is no different. One reason I hang around, to give the other perspective. I do well on MTX, have done for 9 years. I'm a little tied the day after I inject & just graze rather than ant a proper evening meal but otherwise ok.

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to nomoreheels

I've been on MTX now for nearly 2 years along with other meds. In my case they're working well taking up a little golf again plus skiing. All went well except when I lost my mum last December, aunt, most recent a brother all within six months I needed steroid injection, believed was due to trauma.

Stay with the meds don't give up


Lauranorder profile image
Lauranorder in reply to Pamelah5

Love to you Pamelah5 xx

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Lauranorder

Thank you xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Pamelah5

I'm so sorry for your losses Pamela, that must have been devastating. It is known that stress can bring on flares unfortunately.

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you Nomoreheels, Completely devastated, plus my brother losing his twin. Completely lost at moment. Rheumatology nurse said flare up was from the traumas. RA had been under control. I will get there slowly taking each day as it comes.

Pamela xx

Lauranorder profile image


I had a good night 😊

But this morning I feel wretched. I have zero energy, my entire body hurts and I’m really cold. I also have a really sore throat. Is that part of it?

Anyway, today is definitely a duvet day. I don’t even care that I had to call in sick, normally I would go in and struggle. But today.....nope!

Thank you for all your excellent replies, you are all wonderful as ever


Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Lauranorder

Glad you slept well. Try to keep well hydrated today and eat when you need too. I'm usually feeling fine by lunchtime, fingers crossed for you .

Soreknees2016 profile image
Soreknees2016 in reply to Lauranorder

Sorry to hear you’re feeling rotten today, but tbh, it does sound more like a cold/flu than a side effect of MTX. If it is a cold/flu, and it lingers on, it might be a good idea to check with your rheumy nurse as to whether you should delay your next dose until your symptoms clear up.

In the meantime, rest up and drink lots and generally take it easy - the so called common cold really is one of the most miserable things ever, so hope you feel better soon!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Lauranorder

Sorry you feel so rubbish Laura. Well, fatigue is a symptom of being under medicated but we can't expect MTX to work fully from one dose. Don't think I don't believe you because I do but the sugar pill or placebo works in reverse, we concentrate on side effects & believe we're having them, & moreso we can, it's been seen many times here. But, it could be as SK says & you'd been harbouring a cold & coincidentally it just happens to have come out the day after your first dose, you are at a low ebb after all, the disease is controlling you not you it... yet!

When I was on tablets I was told to take them throughout the day not all in one dose, the reason behind it being I was less likely to have side effects, or if I did they wouldn't be as bad. I started on 15mg so took 2 tablets with breakfast, lunch & evening meal. I was fine except for some hair thinning initially but an increase in folic acid & a new hair style helped that. I don't know if it would work for you but something to think about or ask your Rheumy nurse. How frequently have you been told to take your folic acid tablets?

Keep yourself snuggled up today, see how you are tomorrow & if it comes out as a cold you know what to do. If it continues a few days then it might be related to the MTX but hang on in because it may just be a one day thing & often the longer you take it the less they become problematic. If you feel really rubbish again tomorrow & it's not a typical cold maybe think about contacting your Rheumy nurse, if you think it's something you should report. You should have been given a helpline number when you were diagnosed.

Take care, telly day today I think. x

Lauranorder profile image
Lauranorder in reply to Lauranorder

Further update.

Can you believe it.

It’s taken a year to get my diagnosis, and last night I finally had my 1st dose of Methotrexate.

Just back from my GP. I have to stop the Methotrexate because I have tonsillitis and an infected burn on my arm. Like my GP said “ Totally unrelated to my condition or meds, just totally un bloody lucky 😳😥

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Lauranorder

Hecky peck. That's just bad luck. I suppose it proves a fact, it wasn't the MTX. There's one thing, as you've barely started it at least you won't have the effects of not taking it as those of us who have been on it some time do! So, who have you been kissing?!

If you're no better by Friday I'd be tempted to either see your GP again or ask for a telephone consultation, you don't want it worse by the weekend & have to wait until Monday to seek advice. Keep your fluids up, soft foods so it doesn't aggravate things & if your temp goes up over 38° ask for advice. Did he say it was bacterial (usually pus filled spots on the tonsils), were you given antibiotics? If he did then don't share your cutlery, mug, glass etc with anyone else in the household. Also if it's amoxicillin or another penicillin based antibiotic you shouldn't restart your MTX until you've finished the course. Check with your Rheumy nurse if you're unsure about anything.

It's such rotten luck but I hope you start to feel better soon.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Lauranorder

My first weeks on MTX I found that I was shattered the day after, however that wore off over the next few weeks as I got used to it. And I have been fine ever since, I just try to plan an extra hour in bed the next morning.

As others have said, pamper yourself, drink lots of water and rest so your body can bet itself sorted as quickly as possible. Maybe you do also have a cold, and that will become obvious soon enough.

janny55 profile image

Hi Laurenorder

Been on it now since July, started off at 10 mg I’m up to 15 all good so far take it Friday morning with breakie, but I do find I get more hungry 😋 on that day, well that’s my excuse anyway 🤣🤗x

lilyak profile image

Methotrexate gets a bad rap. Most people have few to no side effects, and benefit from it. Mtx is the most maligned medication, and a lot of people get side effects because they *expect* to get side effects. And this is coming from their own mouths, they know its psychological. If you were going to have side effects, yes, you'd feel them by now. Sounds more like you're coming down with a cold than mtx side effects, to be honest. I really hope it helps you, and next week is side effect free.

Lauranorder profile image
Lauranorder in reply to lilyak

Thank you

Zip1 profile image

I hope you are feeling better now. I’m usually ok by lunchtime and with time the side effects have got less. Good luck!

Stormpetrel profile image

Hi Lauranorder

I remember too well my first few doses of MXT i really thought it was like poisoning myself! Which was ridiculous as I am a nurse, but that was how I felt. I was on MXT 20/25mg with good effect for 6 years. When I started it I could hardly walk or even bend my knees after several months I got so much better. MXT became my life saver! The nausea was an issue but I found taking it at night/evening was best and if I took folic accid every day as well that really helped. Really hope you get benefit from it, often takes a while to kick in so you may have to be patient. All the best with your journey

Stormpetrel profile image

Sorry I seem to have replied twice

Durrrrr apologies!!

Well not everyone experiecens side effect. Maybe you are the lucky one😂

We have enough bad luck so I hope iT will do its work for you!

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