Hi anybody on here had temporal artritis I’ve been at seacroft 👁 hospital all day been having these rotten headaches go sent me down this morning. It I’m now thinking it could be sinusitis as my nose is constantly bunged up and the pressure is all in forehead
Sinusitis : Hi anybody on here had temporal artritis I... - NRAS

I have chronic rhinitis which started a year ago. I use a steroid nasal spray daily, prescribed by my Gp. I’ve never been told that it’s connected to having RD.
I'm sure that they will have done blood tests and if they suspect Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) then you will probably have specific tests for that - have you asked them if they think that's a possibility? They may have ruled it out already and you are worrying for nothing. I know that they were quick to diagnose my sister when she developed it, and that was before she had been diagnosed with RD.
I had suspected temporal arteritis back in Dec 2016. Had shooting pains in my left temple. Because they have to be cautious and because I had scalp tenderness, the gp put my on high doe oral steroids for four weeks (nightmare!) until I had a temporal artery biopsy.
The steroids stopped the pains. Rheumatologist said it was Methotrexate (which I'd started on two weeks previously) causing migraine, but I had no headache with it. I had the biopsy done, all normal.
They can also tell from your inflammatory markers in a blood test if it's likely to be temporal arteritis. I understand the biopsy is the best way to rule it in/out, although they still need to biopsy the section of artery that's inflamed, or could miss it.
Try not to worry, it's best to get it checked out and your GP has done the best thing referring you straight away. Lots of other things can cause headaches, but best to get this ruled out.
Best wishes, let us know how you get on.
Fiona x
Thank you sooo much hun your message has made me feel a lot easier sorry 😐 to ask did they shave your hair ???? X
Don't worry, I didn't have any hair shaved for the biopsy. They made an incision just in front of my ear. Had it done under local anaesthetic, hardest part was trying to keep still and no talking during the procedure!😂. I had a neat line of dissolvable stitches and although I normally scar easily, I can't even see the incision scar now. I was allowed to wash my hair on day 2 after the op.
Have you been told you need to have the biopsy done?
Fiona x
If you think it might be sinus relates try steaming 3-4 times a day , also a saline nasal spray can help . Best wishes
I recently posted about having a middle ear infection it’s now kicking in to nearly 2 months since the whole thing started, I finally got an emergency ENT this week and they seem to think the problem lies with my sinuses too. Whilst the infection in my actual ear has now gone after weeks of antibiotics I still can’t hear out my left side. The ENT seems to think that burning my nose lining will help with my plugged ear as he calls it. The headaches are ridiculous and my Sulfasalazine has been stopped till is all sorted. I have tried all nasal steroids saline sprays you name it I’ve had it shoved up my nose! Strealine nasal spray does clear to an extent and its natural might be worth trying it as it’s filtered sea water smells a bit funky to! I’ve also had Avamays nasal spray but the effects were awful dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out now I’m trying one called dymista I really hope it works it’s driving me bonkers! Hope you find a solution.