I was given an injection a week ago and it hasn't helped at all is that normal. Also I've been off work for 5 weeks as I cannot walk can they get rid of me as there are redundancies in our office as we have just been taken over. I've been told this is a flare but it seems so long.
Steroid injection not working : I was given an... - NRAS
Steroid injection not working

You probably don't want to hear this, and I'm sure you feel as if you have had this pain forever, but it is still very early days for you. I think you've only been taking the drugs for 6 weeks? So your RA is still uncontrolled.
But it's a shame that the steroid injection didn't work for you. Sometimes they don't. But tell your rheumy team anyway just in case they only gave you a very small dose. is is feet or knees that are stopping you walking? and have you told your rheumy team about this as well, as perhaps there's something that can help. Do try to keep moving - even if it's just sitting down exercises - as otherwise you'll loose muscle tone in your legs and that will make recovery harder.
There are very strict procedures for employees that are off sick, so make sure you keep your employer informed and send in fit notes so they can't say they didn't know what was happening. Sorry not to worry about that right now and concentrate on looking after yourself so your health improves.
Thanks a million it was a high dose 160 whatever that means I just wish I could walk. I work for a law firm not sure what their policy is for long term sick. Thanks for advice
A high dose means it should work! And at least working for a law firm they should know about employee rights and the Equality Act - so no excuses for them not to behave properly.
Are your knees squishy and swollen with fluid? If so, tell your rheumy team as they can remove the fluid which really helps.
Hi thompsonp.
Sadly with steroid injections that can sometimes be the case I had one a couple of weeks ago and it did nothing.I was so looking forward to a couple of pain free weeks and being able to do things. I was so disappointed ,in fact I am being polite because I swore a lot.
I suggest you contact your GP or Rhuemy team. Do you take oral steroids ? Because it was suggested to me to increase them for a short period. With your GP's permission of course.
Do not feel qualified to comment on your work situation. But 5 weeks seems a short period of time and if you have kept your employee's informed and sent in your sickness certificates hopefully you will be ok. But take some advice it will stop you worrying. Do you belong to a union?
Best Wishes
I've had injections where I really didn't think it had worked, but then realised later that it had lifted things a bit, even if it wasn't a miracle. hang in there, and hopefully your treatment will start to kick in soon.
Hi, I'm sorry to hear of your concerns. Just thought I'd let you know: injections (I've had 5 or 6 of them in 5 months) have done nothing for me either! However, prednisolone has. I've had 2 courses of them: 7 days of 30mg. I know they're not brilliant for you...but the relief (albeit short) is welcome. I'm currently working my way through the arsenal of anti-inflamatories! Etoricoxib atm...the jury is out and waiting for a positive response.
Regarding work, I haven't returned yet this year! I'm lucky that my work are very understanding. Do you belong to a union?
Thanks it's my knees that are the worst thanks for your advice
May be worth a word with your rheumy nurse as for me a joint steroid injection directly into knees (after draining) works much better than a general injection into the bottom. You need to rest afterwards to allow it to work fully even to the point of making sure you do not have to walk far to the car afterwards - legs up and maybe some ice. Farm
Interesting you say you need to rest afterwards. The nurse who booked my injections in told me I would have to rest but the one who did them said no need as long as I didn't go on a long hike.( As if I could)
Hi thompsonp.
So sorry to hear you are really going through it.
Just out of interest have you been diagnosed Sero-negative or Sero-positive or do you have Psoriatic Arthritis or something else.
It's only that I'm Sero-negative RA and oral steroids work like a miracle for me but steroid injections are totally worthless, zero effect.
As work is so completely crucial to you right at this moment in time. IMHO I would dance with the devil so to speak and ask for some oral steroids to get you through until you are more sure of your long term plan and to tide you over until work is more settled ie threat of redundancy removed.
Best of luck to you.
Thompsonp I take oral steroids as I have been taking them for polymyalgia for two and a half years. I know they help but as it wasn't until recently I was actually diagnosed with Seronegative RA I have always taken as low a dose as possible for my pmr ( for which blood results have been good lately). I wonder if I should really be on a higher dose for my arthritis? I don't normally go above 15mg but I am never pain free. Very occasionally I have been on 17mg for two days.
This is my 6th week off work
I’ve 2 bulging discs pressing on nerve, have sciatica and numbness in my calf muscle and toes
Work won’t let me return on light duties as it isn’t a Work related injury
I’ve had 2 injections into spine that have only slightly relieved the pain
I’m concerned, I’ll be forced to leave my work and not return
I see doctor today, it’s so frustrating, I just want to be pain free
Also the anti inflammatories don’t seem to be doing anything
I’m on ibuprofen 400 mg 3 x a day and lyrica 75 mg x2