Had the bloods done 2 weeks ago. Don’t think I’m going to get good news bah!
I’ve been to a Podiatrist because I have a lot of foot issues, and with one foot in particular. He gave me the delightful news that he believed that my RA was uncontrolled, so obviously 4 months of Hydroxychloroquine isn’t cutting it. Problem foot is now bad, orthotics in shoe are now too tight hmmmph!
Also currently have a 24/7 finger splint to sort out a flexor tendon problem
This means I’m now faced with Methotrexate, as I’m allergic to Sulfaslazine. Damn!
Not happy, like my red wine, dislike nausea etc., and the Hydroxychloroquine is already causing massive itching and some hair loss. Have a long term depression/anxiety/PTSD problem, which not being helped by any of this RA stuff.
Thinking a strong conversation with Rheumy about foot swelling and immediate reduction thereof is possibly the only positive that’s going to come from this appointment.
It’s a struggle in Australia, we have few support systems in place. You guys in the UK (despite some waiting issues) have so much support - rheumy nurses (what are they ), telephone support and your wonderful online forum, which I’m using right now (Bless the NRAS). Here in OZ, if you have a bad reaction to a medication, you’re on your own, unless you want to call an ambulance - let’s face it, nobody’s going to do that.
So disheartened.