I have been on methotrexate 9 weeks now and still don’t see much progress it gets me really down I see my nurse in a months time can’t come quicker
Beginning methotrexate : I have been on methotrexate... - NRAS
Beginning methotrexate

It is frustrating, but they usually prepare you that it can take 3 or even 6 months before any benefits are felt or seen. When you have your appointment they will know from your blood if there is an actual improvement so don’t worry about it as they may add in something else. The main thing is that you can tolerate the Methotrexate. Hang in in there!
Thanks for that do you still have pain worse in the morning I want to go back to work been off 4 months now getting frustrated can’t see a light at the end of tunnel I do stay positive but some days most days seem bad
I’m very lucky in that I was diagnosed before any real joint damage was caused. I am self-employed and was very worried I wasn’t going to be able to work at the same level until retirement- however just 5 months later the drug combination has had a good effect and I am coping much better with work than I have for years. I know there can be relapses but prefer to think positively and live from week to week. I’m working on getting my strength back, and when it if you have access to a rheumatology physiotherapist, please take full advantage of the exercises they give you as they will be crucial in your ability to cope at work, not to mention with life in general. I have days when I’m not as good as the day before, but I pace myself, so that in a day or so or even a week I will be better again. I am 63 and realise now that this thing was working on me for ages. But now, at least today, I can see a future again. I thought I was on the scrap heap!
It is good that you are thinking about when you can get back to normal. J
Hi Elswick,
I’ve taken Methotrexate for about 5yrs. now and it took a few months for me to notice change! I’ve had very good luck taking this medication and am very pleased with the results! Good luck!!😃😃
Do you lead a normal life now are you capable of working ?? Do you get tired ?
Yes I lead a normal life! I’ve had knee problems for a few years and will be having a tkr the end of the month! I do not work as my husband is retired! I do feel tired some days but I think that is because sometimes my knee keeps me awake a lot at night! I was diagnosed in 2013 with RD and I think I had it a while before that! Take care of yourself ! Eat well and get enough rest! That will definitely help!
Hi. I am only a bystander as its my husband who has RA. I do tho completely understand how in the early weeks each week seems like a month, with the debilitating tiredness of RA and wondering how things will work out. Are you having 6 days a week folic acid to offset the fatigue from methotrexate? Hang on in there. In a few weeks you may see improvement and if not different Meds will be added. All the best.
Thanks to you for taking time and answering me it’s good to no your not on your own and others understand what your going through another new day tomorrow
No problem! I’ve asked a few questions on here and it’s helpful when someone answers! Keep your chin up and think positive and things will get better!
Everything to do with RD seems to take sooo long it's infuriating. Waiting for diagnosis, waiting for the meds to work, waiting to feel better. The waiting list just goes on and on. It's good that you are tolerating the MTX and 9 weeks in the benefits will be starting to show but such small improvements day by day are easy to overlook. It sounds daft but keeping a diary can sometimes show you these improvements more clearly. Hugs
Hi Elswick
When I first went on methotrexate I was swollen in pretty much every joint that could swell up and felt really, really terrible. 15 weeks later I was even worse and was admitted to hospital for 2 weeks. By the time I came out of hospital (so about 17 weeks) I had suddenly had a turn around in my symptoms and felt soooo much better.
Took a while before things really settled down, but don’t give up - it can change overnight. And I mean overnight, at least it did for me. Went from feeling like there was no hope to feeling 60% ‘normal’ literally in one day.
I won’t go in to the following 10 years now, but suffice to say it can get a lot better quickly.
Good luck.
Thank you I hope your right just woke up hate waking up because I no the pain is back I really hope I start feeling normal soon reading everyone reply’s builds me with hope
All that can be said with any degree of certainty is that 9 weeks is too soon to give up on it and that sudden changes can and do occur after > 16 weeks of MTX use.
There is definitely still hope, and even if it doesn’t work there are lots of other options still to try. It is frustrating when things feel like that and nothing seems to be working, but hopefully you will look back (as a lot of us do) and think of now as ‘before the meds kicked in’.
Good luck.
Hi I was told it takes 3 months for the methotrexate to get in your system, hang on in there.
I no I have only been on medication for 9 weeks but I think i find it so hard to except anything is wrong with me I always kept myself fit etc I go to bed and I think in the morning it will be gone and it’s not then I think is this how life is now I no their is somebody worse of than me but I am finding it very very hard to come to terms with this I have always been their for family etc babysitting etc take kids swimming etc and now I can’t sorry for moaning but this do s help me big hug to everyone
Hi there.It takes 4 months to get from low to high dose of methotrexate.It did not work at all for me a nd all in all about a year to get something sorted.The waiting for some change is the worst as you just feel time is wasting.What about your bloods are they being checked to see if your ESR and CRP levels are improving?
Hi elswick, first 4/5
Months were worse for me: fatigue joint pain and meds side effects. It does get better than this and you get used to pacing yourself more, like Jan said it's endless waiting that does your head in and it is a depressing disease. However looking back to this time last year ish when diagnosed, vast improvement so there is light at end of tunnel, hope you see some soon 😉
Hang in there . For me it took about 5-6 months to feel an improvement which feels so long when you are in it. I do now feel ‘normal’ (not stiff) in the mornings and that improved by about 4-5 months I think. I still have pain but that’s another story. Good luck and there are many folks on here who will help you along the way.