The Cull: Hi all,had a terrible assessment last week... - NRAS


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Magymay profile image
19 Replies

Hi all,had a terrible assessment last week and have been refused permission to take pip to higher appeal .My daughter sent me an article about how the government have instructed the assessors to write off 80%of the claimants,it's an absolute disgrace,they made their mind up before I even got there.I'm in constant pain and they're going to make me work for my benefit .Does anyone in their right mind think that if I was able to work I would put myself through this disgusting process.It's beyond comprehension.Really anxious about the next chapter of my life 😖

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Magymay profile image
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19 Replies
Tinkerbell5 profile image

It’s disgusting I have my tribunal on Thursday I don’t know what to expect I’ve not been able to work for nearly a year I hope u get sorted x

Magymay profile image
Magymay in reply to Tinkerbell5

Tinkerbell I hope you get a kinder assessor and doctor than me ,they even took into account that I attended a wedding last July,and I told them I left early as my feet were swollen so much,they talked to me like a piece of dirt from their shoe,try to be positive ,I know it's easy to say that but you may get a good outcome if your one of the 20%selected😉

Tinkerbell5 profile image
Tinkerbell5 in reply to Magymay

No they was horrid I scored a big fat 0 on everything so after a 17 months tribunal this week x

Shhanna profile image
Shhanna in reply to Tinkerbell5

I've just been to a meeting with a local carers charity in Torquay who have a benefits advisor. He told me that the Tribunal is as informal as it can be in a court setting and that they have a kind and caring attitude rather than the horrible (I could use other words) attitude at the 'Health Asessment'. you are treated like a respected human being (as everyone should always be!!)

He told me there will be a Judge - no wigs or gowns though! and 2 other people - both have been Dr's at the ones he has attended and there is a possibility DWP may have a representative although he has never seen one at the Tribunals he has been at.

You have about 45 mins to explain your reasons for appeal - which should all be detailed in the appeal form you submitted. He said to make sure I take the big pack of all correspondence with me as that is what they will be referring to. You can ask for a break if it all gets too much.

Good Luck. Let us know the outcome. I hope it's good xx

Tinkerbell5 profile image
Tinkerbell5 in reply to Shhanna

Will do ty x

Don't know if above link will work but it's in independent if not. Your experience sounded awful, so sorry x

Magymay profile image

I think these people are trying to drive me off my head .The universal credit will have a field day with me now but I'll damn sure make their job hard .They'll have a job trying to get someone to employ me in this state 😞

helixhelix profile image

I presume that means you've been through mandatory reassessment and then tribunal stages? But I don't understand how you can be told you aren't allowed to go for a judicial review? If you have grounds to do so then no one can stop you surely?

(The article does specific that it's a target for mandatory reconsiderations, not for the initial applications or the tribunals. Still dreadful, but doesn't mean that only 20% of applicants get PIP. Apparently the success rate is around 47% which is a bit better unless you are in the 53% of course!)

Magymay profile image
Magymay in reply to helixhelix

My welfare rights officer applied to a higher appeal after my appeal failed and thus was refused .I'm not up to scratch on legal matters so I let him guide me ,The assessors had acstatement from a doctor who I have only seen once ,said I think you may have arthritis 😐I was diagnosed with PSA over a year ago !The 47%success rate includes my drug addict brother in law who lost a leg after being shot through a drugs war.He gets a carer with a mobility car and every benefit going ,he gets meals on wheels and has enough money for drugs and alcohol and has never worked a day in his life ,think maybe I'll join him ,being good and honest gets you nowhere these days !

Beverley_F profile image

Go to your MP... I did and he wrote a letter to them in support of me , Really worth a try. Hope you can get it sorted out x

annie0261 profile image

So sorry for you. The whole system is unfair. I myself have just been through an assessment and had my award cut, which is hard to get my head around as my illness has progressed and I can do less than I could 3 years ago!

What makes matters worse, is that a family member who does have an intermittent back problem but doesn't need to take the medication she's prescribed, was refused any awards - she has 5 children 2 of which were born in the last 4 years and she is really active!

When she was refused, a family friend contacted one of his friends (all masons) who happened to be a top back specialist in Hospital. He took her on his patient roll privately, then through the NHS and wrote a report that got her the highest awardeds. Her assessment was due the same time as mine, I had to have a face to face, and my awards were dropped, she hasn't had to have any assessment, and has been re-awarded full awards, for the unforeseeable future! How can this happen? Some days I can't get out of bed, or manage to get myself something to eat, she jet sets off every couple of months and is just in the process of going for a tummy tuck and boob job.

So tell me how the system is fair?

Magymay profile image
Magymay in reply to annie0261

Hi Annie ,I can totally see what u mean I'm 53,have two family members ,well to do money wise ,both similar ages to me .They both got knee replacements and got PIP straight away ,both till 2021.Went off on holidays and and having day trips with their blue badge .Doesn't make sense ,they walk better than me and the likes of us with progressive illnesses get nothing 😱this just can't be right .It will be interesting to see if they get it repeated or denied in 2021,watch this space 😏

Soreknees2016 profile image

I would also suggest going to your MP - they might be able to kick up enough of a fuss to get this looked at again. This whole system stinks beyond belief. 😡😡. Also investigate signing up to ‘Benefits and Work’ - I think you have to pay to join, but they seem to have a great success rate. Good luck!

Magymay profile image
Magymay in reply to Soreknees2016

Hi sore knees,I've not heard of that but I'll look into it ,I'm just thinking if they make me do a cv I'll need to tell them all my ailments and any employer who looks at it will be frightened to take me on in case of accidents,fearful of the consequences.They'll look at me as a liability 😏if I was fit enough I would take a job today rather than go through this horrible system ,thanks for reply ,take care 😉

Shhanna profile image

Hello Magymay I'm going through the PIP process now for my autistic daughter. It's awful! so sorry to hear you've had an terrible experience.

I'm unsure what stage you are at after reading through the posts? Have you been to Tribunal or just a health assessment?

Magymay profile image
Magymay in reply to Shhanna

Hi Shanna I had face to face then mandatory reconsideration then then appeal and then higher appeal which was denied .The appeal I was at last week was a work capability appeal .Only got 6 points for both .I'm in west of Scotland and I'm not sure how they are in other parts but this is a cull of disabled and people with progressive illnesses to lessen the amount claiming benefits ,instructed by the government cut it by as much as 80%.I will say a wee prayer for you and hope your daughter isn't treated with the same indignity that I was ..good luck😉

Neverending63 profile image

The whole PIP system is flawed. You give them the information on your f2f they then write down the complete opposite of what you said and add 20 metres to any distance you said you can walk. Apparently they are going to start recording it now. Think I will do the same next time and see how much their recording differs from mine.

Unfortunately it is totally reliant on people that have little or no understanding of RD. If they did then they would show some compassion when doing f2f. There needs to be a big shake up of how they deal with people. If you weren’t anxious and depressed before you applied you certainly would be by the time the process is over.

You have my full sympathy having just gone through it myself and am appealing. I just don’t know what is the way forward with the whole process. X

kt11 profile image

So sorry Magymay, I think you should make an appointment with your MP. X

Magymay profile image
Magymay in reply to kt11

Well kt11,it's safe to say it would do me no good they say it's not within their jurisdiction to intervene .The assessors are well qualified to do the job .The mps here are to busy arguing whether £500,000 is too much from this year's money pot to pay for a statue ,it just makes you think ,what chance have we got 😵laughable😏

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