Hi everyone just been an awful day,Work Capability Assessment today and it was horrendous.They had made their mind up before I even entered the room .6points was awarded ,I was in tears as the doctor constantly talked about incontinence ,I was mortified ,they were more interested in that than my health issues .Outcome was although I have PSA,Costochondritis and trochanteric bursitis I do not have limited capability to work .Totally baffled by this system,it's not right,anyone have a similar experience?
Work Capability Assessment: Hi everyone just been an... - NRAS
Work Capability Assessment

Nasty system from a nasty government, vile odious creatures!! Hope you appeal and get some joy, good luck.🤞🤞
Thanks Ajay,my first assessment was November and this was a tribunal,HSCP were representing me First thing they said was were only interested in how you were in November ,then they asked why if I was struggling I attended a wedding in July ,what was that about plus don't remember if I mentioned it ,big brother comes to mind😖so if you have an illness you can't attend an important event like a funeral even ,they're just taking it too far ,I couldn't go through that ever again .I felt like I was being deceitful and was being toyed with .Thank god I don't attend my pip higher appeal .Thanks for advice ,much appreciated 😉
Aww fight it all the way they need to live a week in our shoes x
No don't worry Ajay it's my fault should have been more specific ,my two is contacting me tomorrow to set up next step,but yes I'll keep getting sick notes from doc and see how things go with pip.The system is designed to get you upset and mixed up so they can misinterpret your answers ,well they succeeded today ,I'm still in shock ,feel as though I did something wrong ,😢nasty people ,can't have a conscience,let's just hope pip is a better outcome ,fingers crossed 😏
Magmay, the system is corrupt , I do hope you have the energy to challenge. If possible take someone with you who can take written notes whilst you are being interviewed.
Yeah my work capability assessment was horrendous as well. But my personal highlight was that fact was the written report. Amongst other errors it says I mobilise up and down the stairs in my house. I live in a single level ground floor flat! They would not correct the error in the report and I eventually lost my appeal.
Hi nik yeah my first WCA they said I had no problem taking coat on and off and climbing the stairs to enter 😱I didn't remove my coat and there are two stairs outside the building ,it's made up to suit themselves,it's a total mess ,unjust and very distressing .I feel abused and quite frankly feel demoralised by it all 😖
It is nothing short of disgusting the way they treat people. The sooner this government is out the better. How people ever voted them in or think they are any good is a mystery to me.

Spot on.
Thanks for support everyone ,I can honestly say that I could just give it all up and go back to work but I don't know how I would be able to sustain it and who would employ me with all my ailments ,won't be long now until UC has me running around either doing voluntary work or job searches.Had nightmares and palpitations all night long thinking if I can't make any appointments how they will just stop my money,doesn't bare thinking about ,feel like a burden on my family.Not in a good place right now ,off to give myself a shake .take care folks xx
Absolute disgrace and this joke off a government are getting away with it, I would appeal and take it all the way but you'll be exhausted at the moment with stress and worry, take a well earned rest and once your energy levels are back then you can decide what you do next xxx
Yes I'm absolutely wiped out,usually inject on a Monday night so Tuesday and Wednesday's are a right off,but as tribunal was on Tuesday I skipped it a day so I've spent all morning in bathroom ,could you imagine me in a work place ,I'd get salesgirl wasting time .It's a blessing I don't attend my pip one 😰I'm definitely opening a bottle of wine tonight ,I need to chill out and put that awful experience behind me😫thanks for reply ,it means a lot xx
I'm so sorry Magymay. Rest up and appeal. Xxx
Sending hugs xx