Filling in PIP form,they don't make it very easy,could easily tick the wrong box.I received it on 17th date on form 9th which was the day I made phone call. OH well I am taking my time with help from my Wife & Daughter.
PIP: Filling in PIP form,they don't make it very easy... - NRAS

Is this the first time you've done a PIP form Backy? If not, this link may help...
How long do you get to fill forms in.I rang Friday so waiting for mine.lady said if stuggling go to Dial or cab x
They're a nightmare aren't they? 40 pages ...whaat? Took me a week in stages! Really really good luck 😀
Good luck Backy I hope that you manage your form and get good results at the end. Take good care of yourself. Love and hugs 🤗🤗🌹🌹xx
Don't tick the boxes, type out all your answers, repeat yourself over and over again and drill it home to them! Put your NI number and name and address on each page. Photocopy everything before sending recorded delivery.
I agree, it's a facer & you need a clear head to fill it in correctly. Take your time over it, don't rush it. If you feel you need more time than the month you're given contract the DWP & ask for an extension. I recently had my renewal form, as it was over Christmas I didn't receive it promptly & it left little time to collate written medical support & complete it before it had be returned so I called & asked for an extension & was given a further fortnight.
Just for info, I received my face to face appointment & it was at an assessment centre different to my original one, around 40 minutes drive away in the nearest city on the 4th floor of the building with no car park. Not only that the nearest parking to the assessment centre was in a multi-storey car park the opposite side of a dual carriageway with a choice of two pelican crossings equidistant to each other, neither of which were opposite the exit of the car park or entrance to the assessment centre. Ridiculous for anyone who finds walking any distance difficult. So, I checked online & would you believe there's an assessment centre literally 10 minutes drive away from my home? Not only that it's ground floor & there's a dedicated car park right outside the building! Ok so I've another fortnight to wait (my original appointment date was 27th March & it's now 10th April) but hey, it's worth it for the convenience.
I hope all goes smoothly when you have your face to face.