Do you normally miss a dose if you’re under the weather? I’m struggling with a cold virus (I assume) exhausted, chesty cough etc, but no temperature. I am due my monthly blood test tomorrow morning, and I would nomally inject methotrexate on a weds night.... should I give it a miss? I did try to make gp appointment but was unable to.... ‘try calling again tomorrow at 8am.....’ not sure what to do for the best.
Missing a methotrexate dose?: Do you normally miss a... - NRAS
Missing a methotrexate dose?

Well ...I have in past. You could ring rheumatology advice line and check x
By the time advice line get back to me I’d already have missed my dose. Think I’m just going to miss it this week anyway
When I had infection before Christmas and had to have antibiotics I was told to miss my methotrexate until I was well.thats what rheumy team told me to do.said if your ever unwell to miss it.hope your well soon
I have carried on taking it when I have been under the weather. Only when on antibiotics have I come off.
If you feel like missing a dose, then i personally would do so.... it's a long term medication so one week off is v unlikely to make a difference to the RA. After being rigorous for years I now miss a dose if I need to. Although usually because I'm going on holiday and want to have a drink!
My rule of thumb being on MTX & having a cold, virus or bacterial infection is if it goes on my chest I halt MTX for as long as the cold/infection is at it's worst. It generally does go on my chest anyway as it's my weak spot & I often need antibiotics, I call my GP & she sends a script over to my chemists.
You've not been on MTX too long so it might be prudent to phone your Rheumy nurse, ask her advice. Even if she doesn't get back to you immediately you can delay your MTX a day or so & catch up over a couple of weeks so you're back at Wednesdays if that's your best day to take it.
I hope you feel better soon.
Hi girli 1969 In the past when i have fealt under the weather thats exactly what i do and have done on many occassion, I think as long as the MTX is in your system and working then it really wouldnt do any harm but then we are not all built the same way so if your still unsure i would speak the the professionals just for peace of mind.
Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
I was originally told to miss a dose of mtx when on antibiotics, but now I’m on antibiotics as a prophylactic and am still taking mtx. I haven’t noticed any difference in my pain, stiffness while on both, and I’ve been doing both for about four years.
Hi guys, I was told if I felt unwell or had a cold not to take methotrexate that week and give my immune system a chance to clear things. M x
I missed 2 weeks at Xmas.
I missed one to have a break from the side effects of MTX. Then everyone and his budgie was coming down with colds and then flu (real flu not heavy cold) so I decided to miss a second week. Glad I did as I got a bad chesty cold but got over it like I would have pre RA days.