Yesterday was the day from hell,i was in so much pain. I cried on and off all day and evening. I went to bed just after three in the afternoon. I am still in pain this morning,but i always feel not too bad in the mornings. My back,ankles,hands,fingers everything hurt. I can't go back to bed this afternoon as i have a appt. at the hospital this afternoon due to the seizure i had at Christmas and after i had has the echocardiogram and monitors on my heart and bp. I hope i am able to drive after today. I will rest this morning and not do anything. Hope you are all as well as you can be.xxxx
I have never known pain like it.......: Yesterday was... - NRAS
I have never known pain like it.......

morning sylvi sorry to hear that you are suffering, i know how your feeling, hurry up spring and bring some relief to our joints xx
So sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it. I hope you can manage to get to your appointment ok. Is there anyone who could take you so you don't have to drive yourself? I think this really cold weather is making everything worse. If you are able to, maybe a hot bath might help ease the stiff and sore joints? Sorry not much help - I am only 2.5 years diagnosed so still a relative newbie to the 'delights' of RA, but I hope you soon begin to feel better. x
My darling hubby drives so no worry there. I would just like to be able to use the car to pop up the village when i need to darling. Your right about the weather and i am not very good in the winter,but this winter has been one of the worst i have ever had in the 15yrs i have had
I'm glad you won't have to go on your own. It's always nice to have some support for any kind of hospital appt! I understand about the car giving you freedom, was only thinking about that yesterday, how lucky I am, that I can still drive, even when I need two hands to turn the key or to get into reverse at times. Hoping your flare passes and ROLL ON some WARM weather!!! Take care of yourself. xx
Thank you darling. I haven't moved out of my recliner yet so am not dressed. I think while i am down there i will pop into the pain clinic to see if they can find out when i am getting the pain infusion.xxxx
Oh sweetheart I wish there was day I could do or say but I wish you all the best for your app this afternoon 🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️
Gentle hugs 😘
I hope todays visit to the hospital goes well for you Sylvi and that tomorrow will be a better day for you. xx
Morning sweetie sorry to hear that you are suffering so badly. I can’t wait for the better weather to come for everyone so they can feel better. Good luck with your appointment today and please wrap warm when you go for your appointment today. Take good care of yourself sweetie. Love and hugs 🤗🤗🌹🌹😘😘
Poor you. Pain stinks! I hope things improve very soon for you.
Sweet Sylvi ... You've had such a bad time with continual chest infections and antibiotics making you feel yuk and setbacks that I'm not surprised you're down. I know that it gets one feeling low as I have felt crappola with the recent bacterial chest infection and I'm usually quite upbeat. No wonder you feel down. There's a lot to sort out. Hope you soon will be able to pop out and drive to do a little browse and amble once you are a bit stronger. Frustration gets you upset. That's my biggest madness. Gentle hugs and hope the sun is shining for you this afternoon. Brilliant sun here in West Yorkshire but very cold. I'm indoors myself today after Friday Monday and Tuesday at hospital. (Physio, blood tests and my Rituximab infusion. All routine but three days I would rather not be doing those things!!) xxxxx
I hope your feeling better and tomorrow is another day. Snow's all gone here what about you ?
Aw Sylvi, sorry to hear you suffering so much. This awful cold weather has laid me low as well, I’m in midst of huge flare. Cannot wait till the warmer days of spring arrive. That will cheer us up when we can sit outside and enjoys those rays of sunshine and the lovely spring garden once again. Keep your pecker up Sylvi, Take care xxx
You take it steady girl and rest up for a while... editing photos is light work. It will at least keep you out of mischief and off the gardening for a wee while.
All the best
Thank you all for your lovely comments it is lovely to know you all care so much about me. We will see what today brings.xxxxx
Oh Sylvi, I feel for you. Sending very gentle hugs. Good luck this afternoon. I do hope you’re allowed to drive again. I really hate it when my wrists are so painful it’s impossible to drive - it seems to take away some of my independence.
Sylvi you poor dear i do hope u are feeling a bit better we r thinking of you xxx
Sorry to read that your suffering Sylvi, I'm just reading this now as I've been in bed the last 2 days, sore all over a bit better today but just staying in bed resting , hope things improve for you pet xxx
Bless you, Sylvi. I so wish you better health. You are having far more than your fair share. Roll on the warmer, sunnier weather! Huge gentle hugs
Thank you all for your kind words,i am hoping this flare soon goes away. I have had a gilded life with this ra/fibro as i don't recall ever having a flare like this i can tell you. SO i know understand those of you who have been through one like i have at the moment. I have never doubted anyone when they are flaring,but i never understood the pain they were going through,but boy do i now. So again thank you all for being so nice to me with your words of support.xxxxx
Sending a big fat hug 🤗 your way!