For the last two months I was on Dexamethasone 4mg and was able to be normal. I could walk, run and even use my hands as before. It was a normal Christmas and New Year.
However, my Rheumatologist took me of them. Slowly my RA returned and I am back to square one...with serve joint pains in the hands and barely able to walk. This has made me depressed
Now my Rheumatologist has placed me on Methotrexate (15mg) with a steroid injection. My first course was taken on Tuesday.
It is now Friday and my throat is sore and I am developing a cough. Furthermore, the steroid injection has had no effect. I am still in pain. This has worried me. Should I continue the course?
Also, does anyone take Methotrexate with Dexamethasone or Pendisone?