Diagnosed last week with RA. Very good appointment with rheumatologist and have started treatment with a plan ahead. Had a steroid injection and may start oral steroids next week depending on how my hands feel. Methotrexate starts nexts week too. However, first time ever I have developed an elbow bursitis. I’m wearing a compression bandage but what else can I do? Rheumatologist has said it’s common in a flare but never told me what to do about it and I forgot to ask.
Need some advice about bursitis on elbow: Diagnosed... - NRAS
Need some advice about bursitis on elbow

On my rheumy’s advice I wear a sports support when my elbow flares with bursitis…..it usually lasts a couple of months then fades away.I can’t have steroid injections …so yours may resolve quicker with an injection.
If you haven’t worn sports supports before be warned they do come up small.
The first one I tried I couldn’t get past my wrist!
I have only had one bursitis on my elbow and that was during a massive flare. It was very scary at the time, but it did go away on its own a few weeks later
Just prior to diagnosis & everything flaring I had bursitis in my elbow & was given antibiotics, it was very red, hot & swollen, I just assumed that antibiotics are given for this.
Hi, I have a bursitis right now, had one on both elbows. One has gone the other is still there about big marble size. No pain fortunately unless I put weight on it. I'm going to wait and see if it gets bigger or painful. Fed up with drugs and doctors. Hope this helps and you get sorted.
The oral steroids will sort it for you hopefully. I had the same problem and the steroids worked.
Hi K2013, I've had bursitis on both elbows for about 2 years now and they haven't gone away, though haven't been a big problem even though I've had terribly active RA for the last year, until the last few weeks for some reason. Now I can't straighten my right arm and the left one feels it's going to do that too! Not red, just the swellings and the joints feel all weird with funny bits inside, but will have to go and see about this right one as don't wish it to be stuck like that! (I don't like the look of them either, but don't really care as long as not disabling). Sorry this doesn't sound very encouraging, I think in most cases it can come and go! Hope it clears for you!
My hubby had one on his elbow I had never heard of it before! Big lump the size of a large golf ball looked revolting and was painful. He had to wear tee shirts all the time. Dr gavehim naproxen and told him to wear a support. It went after a month. He was worried because he thought it was cancer! But doc was not concerned at all! Best of luck 🌟
Cold compress helped with pain too. John said it was like growing another elbow!