Slow release morphine any experience?: Hi I just... - NRAS


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Slow release morphine any experience?

15 Replies


I just started slow release morphine, now on day 2. I take them in the morning but I find I get kind of dizzy, feeling like I am out sailing, for hours. I know dizziness is a known side effect. Does anyone know if it will go away when I get used to the it or should I expect it to continue?

I am trying the morphine to be able to keep working, but the dizziness doesn't exactly help with that :-)

Also it takes about 1-2 hours before I feel the pain relief, is that normal?


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15 Replies


I use morphine patches, I've been using them for a year, with Paracetamol, and Oramorph for breakthrough pain. I think your dizzy spells should gradually reduce over time. All the best.

in reply to

Thanks. I will remain optimistic

PFKAAde profile image

Hi mjf09

Do you mind me asking what dose you are on and have you any tolerance to opiates at all?

Morphine being a strong opiate it can cause a light-headed feeling at first, but as you become more tolerant this should disappear.

All the best.

in reply to PFKAAde


I am on 5mg. Starting on low doses since I prebiously tried Tramdol (but that os almost a year ago) which gave me same side effects just worse. Had to give then up after a few days due to work

PFKAAde profile image
PFKAAde in reply to

You should get used to that dose I’d have thought, it’s not a massive dose.

If you still get the same effects in a week or so mention it to your GP, but I would think you will be ok.

Ranicles profile image

My next door neighbor has the patches, changed once a week.

She has no problems.

in reply to Ranicles

I am on slow release tablets not patches, but hope I will get used to them in a hurry or need to give them up. It is no good if they prevent me from working

Ranicles profile image

The patches bypass the stomach, so nausea not a problem for my neighbour.

Good luck

in reply to Ranicles

Thanks a lot

wishbone profile image

I was on slow release morphine for sciatica, twas the only pain relief I tried that made a noticeable difference to the pain. Can't say I experienced any dizziness, but that may have been because I was laid up with the sciatica and not very mobile. I did have extremely vivid semi-hallucinatory dreams though, some quite enjoyable, some really weird and freaky. Unfortunately I had to stop taking the morphine tabs after a week or so due to bad constipation. It was a seriously painful ordeal just sitting on the loo with the sciatica let alone having to deal with constipation as well! That must rank fairly high among some of the more hellish episodes in my life, and I've had a fair few of those! Might be a good idea for you to add plenty of roots nuts and berries to your daily diet just in case. :-)

in reply to wishbone

Ouch that doesn't sound nice at all, poor you. I know about the possible side effect of constipation, I try to drink a lot of water and eat enough fibers. The pain clinic gave me some pills to help with constipation if I get it.

This is day 3 for me and still dizzy, it is actually worse today. Feels like I am constantly out sailing, and now I get nausea too. But think the nausea is because of the dizziness. I had the same problem on Tramadol.

Feels like I am running in circles, need pain relief to be able to work but won't be able to work if the side effects doesn't go away soon :-)

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

I'm currently taking slow release tramadol for my RA. Never had any dizziness with it. Can't be much fun, especially if you have to work. How long was you taking tramadol?

in reply to wishbone

I took them for a few weeks tried both 50mg and 100mg slow release tramadol. At the time my GP couldn't understand it since she didn't have any side effects when she had taken tramadol previously.

Seems my body just isn't happy with opioids. At least I am now with a pain clinic who seems to understand it better. Unfortunately the only other alternative is steriods, which I am not happy about taken long term either

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

I've heard of people being light headed with tramadol, a friend of mine used to be when he was taking it. Not sure how long it persisted with him though. I'll ask when I next speak to him.

Hope things get sorted for you soon.

Well status is that I took the slow release morphine for 4 days and felt sort of motion sick from day 1. Instead of getting better with time it just got worse, so called the nurse at the pain clinic who told me to stop them. So seems I can't take morphine either. Have to wait until my appt with pain clinic 21st of December to see what then happens. Am afraid they will put me on long -term steriods

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