CT SCAN OF BOWEL: I had this done on Tuesday. The... - NRAS


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Nettac profile image
21 Replies

I had this done on Tuesday. The actual scan itself wasn't that bad. The radiographers and nurses were lovely.

The big issue for me was the prep before. You have swallow gastrografin a couple of days before hand, and eat a roughage free diet.

Gastrografin is the worst tasting liquid I have ever had to drink. It's like drinking nuclear waste! It's an iodine olution. This combined with not being able its eat before the tests on the day triggered an almighty migraine.

I had two buses to catch in order to get to hospital. I managed to just get off first bus before throwing up spectacularly right in front of a crowd of people. They must have thought I was an old soak!

Onto second bus with head banging and stomach doing somersaults. Then a lady sat next to me wearing the most over powering perfume ever. If you've ever suffered a migraine you will know my misery and pain.

Finally made it to the hospital, only to be informed that I would have to drink another jug full of weaker contrast.I was nearly sick on the spot! How I managed to stomach it I don't know, but I could feel it churning dangerously in my stomach.

Thankfully the scan itself only took twenty minutes. The lovely nurses dimmed the lights for my poor head.it was a bit like being in an alien space ship with the blue flashing lights, whirring....and anal probe!

You've got to laugh.

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Nettac profile image
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21 Replies

Oh my word! Definitely need a stiff drink after that i think, with some good food inside you.

Rest up now 😊

Ruth x

Fruitandnutcase profile image

You poor soul, that sounds horrendous. I know where you're coming from with the perfume. I'm really sensitive to strong perfumes. There's a little fashion boutique in my nearest big town that used to have a note ce in the window telling people who wear strong perfumes like Opium etc not to come in! Don't know if it stopped them or not but I know exactly how the owner or whoever put the notice there felt.

Hope you have recovered from your awful day and your results are good.

Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Ew Opium is awful! Can't stand vanilla perfume either.

Downtime profile image

Sounds awful, well done for putting up with all that. I had colonoscopy once but the stuff you drink wasn't as bad as that sounded. Just sat on the loo for 2 days.... I get migraines so I know exactly what you mean about strong smells.

Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Downtime

Yes, the stuff for coloniscopy was Ok. Had no reaction to that at all. The diarrhoea was worse though! =-O

Gnarli profile image

Well if you didn't laugh, you'd cry, bless you. I was thinking of you on Tuesday while waiting to see rheumy. Most of the staff I meet at our hospitals here are simply amazing. All friendly and human. I hope your migraine cleared up really quickly, that your journey home was less traumatic and I'm with you on over-perfumed people. They make me gag because I have an over sensitive nose. Standard joke "I have a nose like a bloodhound. Cold and wet". I used to sip lucozade (sp?) or coke, which is basically fizzy syrup, when the aura hit and that sometimes helped stave it off.

When will you get some results? Soon I hope.

Sorry for disjointed response. Not enough sleep last night.



Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Gnarli

Hi Gnarli

You make more sense than I do most of the time! :-) and thanks for thinking of me.

If I hadn't got the migraine it would all have been fine.

I won't get results until I see gastro in about eight weeks. Oddly, my chronic diarrhoea has eased off since drinkibg kefir daily. So lets hope :-)

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Nettac

I seriously doubt that but thanks for the compliment. Being hungry and stressed is probably satan's recipe for migraine, poor you. I don't get them any more because they were probably hormone-linked. The menopause does have its upsides apparently. I really hope your new keffir habit continues to work its magic for you. It's getting so popular now it's even been discussed on the Archers! Wishing you better


Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Nettac

What a horrible experience. I do hope after all that, there's a positive outcome .

Best of luck


medway-lady profile image

I had this done last month and mixed it with Ribena it was just a bit strange tasting but not a problem at all. Better than having the camera as no discomfort at all.

Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to medway-lady

I mixed it with juice too...disgusting! Massive headache.

Actually, the colonoscopy I had a year ago was easier in terms of prep, and also not painful...you get sedation :-)

Glad you were OK with it.

WJRob profile image
WJRob in reply to medway-lady

Hi! Did Gastrografin make you feel ill and weak? Any horrid side effects? I’ve got my scan on Friday morning. I’m already feeling weak etc. So just need a bit reassurance. Thank you

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to WJRob

No problems at all except hunger ! x

medway-lady profile image

I hope your scan is clear too. x

Damaged profile image

I do not know which sounds worse, test or public transportation. I also suffer severe migraines. I cannot imagine being in public let alone navigating multiple buses. Good on you, such an inspiration. I hope the test will help with your situation.

Fra22-57 profile image

Public transport.wow what an ordeal.pinched bum cheeks...ugh.My headache was so bad I passed out in colonoscopy waiting room and ended up being admitted to hospital. Hate such invasiveness 😵

Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Fra22-57

Oh no...poor you! Hope all is well now?

Mandalou profile image

Oh Nettac!

You are really such a star! What an utterly vile experience for you. I was with you in spirit yesterday because I had my transvaginal scan for this pain in my lower right tummy I've been suffering for the last few months.

It's just a necessary violation , really grim to experience.

Anyway, well done for suffering it all so bravely and can I just say you made me aerosol my tea with laughter with your anal probe line at the end!

Thank Heavens for laughter.

Very best wishes to you. Good luck with the results of the scan.


Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Mandalou

Ooh eck...yours sounds worse! Hope all's well.

Jezzerie6 profile image

Good lord i can just imagine how horrid it all was especially having to drink the vile solution they give you. Yes I vomited all mine up and the little Japanese dictor said " you drink medicine all up" I lied. I'd hate to have had to catch two buses because if I had I'm sure it would have been a terrible shituation! Id rather have a barema exray much easier.Nit sure why they are making us all have these horrid colonoscopys! The barium X-ray picks up on mostly everything especially any lumps or bumps. Anyway I'm.not in a hurry to gave another one done soon. Thanks for your story. Te

Nettac profile image
Nettac in reply to Jezzerie6

It was appalling. Bleh!

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