Fatigue summed up: A good friend just sent me this, had... - NRAS


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Fatigue summed up

FatJoints profile image
16 Replies

A good friend just sent me this, had to share for a laugh. x

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FatJoints profile image
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16 Replies
Eiram50 profile image

That was sooo me, yesterday!

FatJoints profile image
FatJoints in reply to Eiram50

Almost seems wrong to 'like' that you felt like this yesterday. But hey, have a like. Hope you feel more energised this week.

Gnarli profile image

Thank you Fat joints. I really needed a giggle today. I hope you are keeping well. Hugs


FatJoints profile image
FatJoints in reply to Gnarli

Very welcome! You too Jan. You always cheer me up loads with your comments, least I could do ;-) Lesley x

Nickijk73 profile image

Perfect way to try and explain to someone exactly how knackered we feel - I've split up from a long term relationship in the past six months,yet still waiting on him to come and collect his belongings(even though I've made arrangements on three separate dates for him,and he's just not bothered to turn up,or even let me know that he's not coming! - trying to not let it stress me,as we know where that ends up😝) but it's so annoying as everyone keeps telling me to 'just pack it up and bin it!' No matter how many times I explain that I'd love to just have the energy to do that,they still can't understand how I'm not capable of going through wardrobes and cupboards for hours on end without it affecting my health.... it's the same old banging your head against a brick wall story.... but I'm glad I've seen this,as it's definitely made me smile - thank you x

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Nickijk73

Maybe you could ask them to do it for you?

Sorry to read your news.

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to Caza

Hi Caza

Thanks for your response - Unfortunately,the only friends who lived nearby are the ones that suddenly disappeared when I became ill and could no longer be the designated driver on nights out😝 It's weird,because the people who have truly stuck by me are people from school(most of I only ever speak to through fb) ,and friends that I first met over 20 yrs ago through work or the flat I lived in at the time,and the closest one of those is about an hours drive away,and with their health issues too,it's not possible for them to make the journey at the minute - we're like a much younger 'knackers yard' club 😂. I'll have to get my nephew to sort for me when he's over next,but it just annoys me that my ex of almost 7 yrs can't be arsed to get his stuff,esp as he's claiming he has so much sentimental stuff here .... if that's the case,why not turn up on the dates that he'd arranged?! Come to the conclusion that he's just a lazy git who wants everything done for him,and I'm not playing to his tune anymore 😊 Certainly not bothered about the relationship being over,as I've lost count of the amount of times he'd thrown my illness's back in my face when arguing,so he really showed his true feelings over the past 18 months or so. Much better off being just me and my furbabies in our own space 😊 X

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Nickijk73

You have a nephew so a brother/sister in laws mum/dad. Failing that call his bluff & tell him you've thrown it all out bet he soon turns up 😂 Yes unfortunately when things go wrong many so called friends cross the road, such is life.

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to Caza

Thanks Caza

I told him after he failed to turn up the third time,and I'd missed going out for a rare day out,that it was all going to the many charity shops down the town,and if he wants it to buy it back quick - his response is that if that's what I've done,then fine - he has a new bird on the go,which I'm wishing all the luck in the world to because she'll need it,so he basically ignored plans he'd made 3wks previously to collect his stuff just so he could spend the night there,and then told me a pack of lies about me being angry so he didn't want to come over and me to cause a scene?! As I told him,if he answered the texts I'd sent asking what time he'd be over,or if he was even coming over,then it would've been fine,but as he knows exactly what makes me tick.he plays on that so he can then act the victim - he has bipolar(the only reason his condition and medication were all sorted was because I became his carer and got it all sorted for him.... his six siblings or parents never wanted to get involved,and I was actively told by the oldest brother not to tell his mum when he was in hospital.... nice family,eh?!) anyway,because of his bipolar,he's become a brilliant manipulator,and of course,I know all the tricks he uses and plays,but no one else does,so to them I'm the big bad wolf whenever he spins them another yarn!! As for my sister,we've never been close,and she's always busy with her young family - the only reason I see my nephew so much is because he's basically turned into my carer in between jobs,and it helps us both out that way😊 My parents aren't in the greatest of health,so I can't ask them,so it is a case of just emptying everything into big laundry type bags and depending on my mood,either storing it in loft,or binning it.... all depends on the day 😝 Just annoys me that I gave so much to helping him through his health issues when many would've run,yet that's exactly what he did to me when he had the chance to help me.... that's when I knew I'd been wasting my time on someone who clearly was only in it for what they could get from me 😤😤 more angry with myself for not noticing sooner,but then again,as I've been ill since Jan 2014,I'd been preoccupied with trying to get my health on track and keep a full time job down in London! Still,we live and learn,eh?!

I've left the ball in his court,I'm certainly not offering to lose any more days sitting in waiting for no one to turn up - if his stuff is as sentimental to him as he says it is,then he'll come and get it,simple. I'm certainly not going to lose anymore sleep over it,because like I said before,the only one it affects is me,and I'm not doing that!! 😊

loradora22 profile image
loradora22 in reply to Nickijk73

Hi Njk73,

I've gotta guy like that too. Trying to get him to pick up his stuff. I won't go into details cuz I just wanted you to know that I sympathize 100%. So no worth your energy, what little energy you have. My take-away from the relationship... I'm no longer afraid of conflict. So I see that time as a win and I definitely will not settle for bad behavior anymore or be made to feel like the bad person just because I'm setting boundaries. GOOD LUCK!

Nickijk73 profile image
Nickijk73 in reply to loradora22

Hi loradora22

Thanks for your response - and it does make me feel that someone finally gets where I'm coming from .... after almost 6yrs of putting him before my own health,it's when I started 'setting boundaries' that's when it started going wrong in his eyes.... coincidence or what,eh?! But like you say,it's only when we don't learn from the mistakes that it's an issue,and I've had a huge learning lesson from this one..,, just gutted that it's going to cost me not going to reading festival this year,as I had booked the tickets when I was on a downer,and there's a couple of bands that I'm really wanting to see,but not enough to warrant anymore time in his company,or paying hundreds out for a hotel room (there's no way I'd be able to do camping nowadays - already had 3 ops on my spine,certainly don't want anymore!) but thanks for the support - it's truly appreciated,and I hope you get your situation sorted soon too x

Matilda_1922 profile image

This sums me up completely. I wish I can download this to send to my colleagues to show how I feel most of time!

thelmar profile image
thelmar in reply to Matilda_1922

If you click on the picture a box comes up with the option to copy. You can then open a blank Word (or similar) page and paste the picture into it.


gwynedd profile image

Sums up my day perfectly 😂

helenlw7 profile image

That was me over the last three days! Today I'm back to my normal RA self. I was trying to explain to a friend the difference between fatigue and just normal tiredness. I don't think I did it very well - she told me to have an early night!

Lizzy-m profile image

Definitely me today, so tired I cried 😢

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