Just had a breakdown at work: Hi, Hope you dont mind... - NRAS


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Just had a breakdown at work

Dreamer85 profile image
17 Replies


Hope you dont mind me posting here, i have PsA.

My arthritis has been really bad for the last 2 years since having my second son.

Ive just changed medications and im having a awful time.

Im flaring every week, i will get a high temp and the next day one of my knees will be massively swollen. I work 3 days in a shop and i have not taken any time off. I work when my flares are active but have reached the point where i cant go on.

I went into work today, asked to speak to my manager and broke down, told him how hard it is for me to work when im flaring and that i cant cope anymore.

That i cant cope with raising 2 young boys, the arthritis, flares and the pain.

He has told me to take some sick leave and sent me home.

Were only a small team , i think they were all really surprised at my crying and breakdown.

I know that not all will agree with my sick leave and think i should work through the pain,I know they dont understand how i can be so up and down, i know i might get talked about but i feel i have made the right decision and just need to remember that.

Thankyou for reading, really just venting.

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Dreamer85 profile image
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17 Replies
Matilda7 profile image

So sorry to hear what a bad time you're having. I'm so pleased that your manager is supportive. You need some time to let your body rest and heal itself. These diseases are very tough on us and we can't expect to be able to ignore them. They demand attention.

I do hope you also have a good medical team to support you? And that you can now spend some time enjoying being with your children and relaxing a bit and letting your body overcome this nasty disease without all the stress of working.

Keep us posted!

Dreamer85 profile image
Dreamer85 in reply to Matilda7

Thankyou for your kind reply.

I have a appointment with my rhumatologist in 2 weeks, fingers crossed he can help me with the flares.

sylvi profile image

I wanted to like your post darling,but i can't as your suffering so much. I think you should go back and see your dr.xxxx

Nitrobunny profile image

💕💕💕Gentle Hugs 💕💕💕

Thank heavens you have a supervisor that is compassionate and at the end of the day you absolutely have to do what's right for you. Taking some sick time to regroup and take care of you is a great use of the time. There is definitely a difference between working through incidental pain and attempting to work through the absolutely exhausting, soul sucking pain that a flare can bring. I'm retired and I don't know how so many do it. I know in the past I ignored the pain, pressed on and did great damage to my body in doing so. Be good to yourself and enjoy your sons 💕

Best ~


Nettac profile image

You poor thing Dreamer!

I have PsA too. I honestly don't know how you've managed with a job, and two kiddies! I'm exhausted working one day a week.

It's good you have taken a break, you need to rest your joints. I would also contact your doc and tell them the meds ain't working!

Look after yourself.

Tinkerbell5 profile image

I've been Of sick since February I have constant flare ups and Temperature then the sickness or felling sick headaches fatigue then 3 small kids so I know how u feel u may need the rest

helenlw7 profile image

Vent away! It's often useful to have someone to talk to who isn't connected to you in any way. I'm always ready to listen.

Sanbanan profile image

I also have PsA and it can absolutely floor you especially during flares.

You must take some time off and try rest up but I appreciate it's not easy with young children.

I hope Rhuematology can get you sorted with medication that will hopefully ease the pain.

Let your colleagues know about PsA and what it's all about. Even if you can make one person understand what you are dealing with then they will have more of an appreciation of your situation.

Best wishes and gentle hugs x

Mandalou profile image

Would a short course of oral steroids tide you over until you see the Rheumy Dreamer?

Your meds definitely need attention! Sending huge sympathy and totally understand how you are feeling, especially with the work thing.


Dreamer85 profile image
Dreamer85 in reply to Mandalou

Thankyou, im seeing a doctor on Friday so will get some advice. x

LizzieR profile image

Hi Dreamer85,

You have been working through the pain - both at work and at home with your children by the sound of it. Try not to beat yourself thinking you should be working. Rest, as much as you can, see your doc and be kind to yourself. You sound like you are awe- inspiring in your tenacity.

Gentle hugs coming your way x

Dreamer85 profile image
Dreamer85 in reply to LizzieR

Thankyou x

shell911 profile image

Having the same issue and kind of bad because I take care of my own Department and I take a few days off and things go to hell and because of cut backs Management thinks they are saving Money by not Scheduling someone to do the Job so it gets done half way by someone who already has their own Job to do.

Glad it sounds like you have Support from your Management.

Thanks for letting me Vent.:)

Dreamer85 profile image
Dreamer85 in reply to shell911

Vent away...

That sounds like a hard decision to make, im guessing when you return to work your workload is double so you just try to power through without taking the time you need.

Its the same in my job, they dont replace people.

Are you struggling at the moment?Is there anybody you can go to to discuss your issues, tell them how hard your finding it? Hugs x

shell911 profile image
shell911 in reply to Dreamer85

Thanks! Struggling some at the moment , took a few days off and this Morning was a mess. I will do what I can tomorrow and let my Boss know I can not do the Work of 2 people , pretty sure he gets that.

It's rare to make a good decision without at least some misgivings. I guess that's the price we pay for having a brain and using it wisely. I reckon you did well.

I have PsA too. I saw a really good OT today. She asked a lot of questions about how the disease affects me. She mentioned that it's important to find something to enjoy, or some way to relax every day. Well that kind of seems obvious. But what was different was that she said that a bit of R & R releases serotonin in the brain and that can help with fatigue and anxiety. That hit home. It's just a simple thing but I'm now keeping in mind that a bit of enjoyment or self-indulgence here and there isn't just 'a nice thing to do', it may actually help somewhat at a chemical level. Not so easy with young children to care for, but if you ever feel guilty when you do get to watch your favourite TV programme or gaze out the window while eating a chocolate biscuit .... don't! You will in fact be busy making your own happy drug!

Dreamer85 profile image

Thankyou for all your replies. I really appreciate them.

My flares have thankfully calmed down since I have been off my feet.

I had my consultant appointment today.

He is changing my dose of leflunomide to 20mg and changing my nsaid.

He is seeing me again in 6 weeks and if no improvement he will put me on a bio drug.

Im nervous because I'm back to work on Tuesday and don't want the flares to start up again.

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