I am having problems with my little finger on my left hand. Feels like cramp but when I straighten it I can feel it pulling and painful. I have had it about a week now, Could it be bruised nerve or anything I should be worried about?
Painful little Finger: I am having problems with my... - NRAS
Painful little Finger
Well it's probably not RA, so that's something to be pleased about. Most likely trigger finger, or tendonitis which can both be resolved so go see your GP.
My understanding is that chronic tenosynovitis, inflammation of the sheath of a tendon, is common in rheumatoid arthritis and very often an early indicator of RA. It definitely was the case for me.
Fortunately, if you are well controlled it calms down but you need be aware it can attack other tendons like the Achilles' which isn't a lot of fun and can also be managed but needs to be addressed as you don't want tendon rupture.
I haven't had any lingering issues with my pinky finger since having my RA under control although a few other tendons took longer to calm down.
True, but when I hear hoofbeats I usually look for a horse first not a zebra....(unless I happened to be in Africa)
Ha! Nice one! But if it's known to be a very common occurrence in early RA then it's more likely a horse then the uncommon zebra, no? It really is very common and my doctor as well as loads of links prove this. (Especially if you already have an RA diagnosis)
The reason I strongly wish it was better known by GP's is that I had many inflamed tendons in my hands and feet that were dismissed and told it was from sport when in fact it was early RA and I got fobbed off for over a year and it wasn't until my rheumy said it was indeed caused by RA and I began doing research on it and found it incredibly common.
Whilst it could be something & nothing Rheumatoid Disease (RD) often involves the hands (or feet) very early on, usually symmetric but not always. Don't dismiss the possibility of Osteoarthritis (OA) either, though this often involves the DIP joint, the one closest to your nail. Your GP should be able to determine so before it gets much worse & spreads elsewhere I'd recommend you see him/her.
Ah-I was under the impression that JMH67 already has an RA diagnosis. If not, JM, do you have other symptoms that could point to RA?
Your doctor will definitely be able to help you understand what's going on and it absolutely could be nothing.