Loving the heat wave: I am so exited to be able to... - NRAS


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Loving the heat wave

72 Replies

I am so exited to be able to walk around with little to no pain. Last year, I was basicly house bound and unable to move. So to celebrate my new found freedom, we bought a boat. We had fun last weekend as we cruised around the sea.

This is our fist selfie on our new boat. Point Roberts USA is in the background.

72 Replies
Cathy777 profile image

That looks so good!

in reply to Cathy777

We had a blast. But...note to self....sunscreen works best if put on your skin, it doesn't work AT ALL if left in your beach bag. lol

gwynedd profile image

Fabulous Suzanne!

You go girl xxx

KayEP profile image

So happy you are able to enjoy yourself at last! Enjoy the sun. xo

Gigi71 profile image

Two happy people. Enjoy ! enjoy ! enjoy. Hugs G X

Absolutely brilliant. Glad your having a good time. 🌞 x

I love it too.. thought I was alone as everyone else that I speak to in the UK seems to hate it! I've not flared in weeks! Have a great time! X

in reply to

Maybe this weekend, I should go through the Panama canal and head over to the UK and pick you up? lol We could try to water ski :)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I am ready for you to pick me up darling.xxxxx

in reply to sylvi

I'm on my way Sylvi!!!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Good i will get my bikini out.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

I'm going "au natural" lol gosh I'm blushing....cant believe I wrote that.lol

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I have done that and i went completely starkers darling in Spain many years ago.xxx

in reply to sylvi

Well I'm impressed. I'm all talk, no action.

I hear that starkers is normal in Europe...not so much here, except Wreck beach where nudity is allowed.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Now i am slimmer i don't know if i could do now though. I looked like a beached whale darling. PMSL.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

You and me both!!

I've found your lost wieght, and I will be happy to return it to you!! I've gained 25 pounds!! eek!!..So I figure let's flaunt our figures. Let's shock the younger generation!! Whoop whoop!!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

You got my 5stone no thanks you can keep it.xxxxx

in reply to sylvi


Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

Europeans seem quite keen on naturism. Germans especially are notorious for dropping their kecks at every opportunity.

in reply to Gnarli

We would get arrested if we dropped our kecks!! lol

in reply to


dtech profile image
dtech in reply to

That's a 'selfie' we would all like to see!😉

in reply to dtech

Bwhahaha!!! What a scary thought.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Me too!!!

in reply to Eiram50

I'm on my way!!! Like the song says

"Girls just Wanna have Fun"

We girls need to have fun & live life like we did in our youth!!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Total agreement!

dtech profile image
dtech in reply to

Good idea. Come and see me too 😃

in reply to dtech

Us girls & dtech all on my boat? Now that could be a party!!!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Sara i love the sun and i am out in it as much as i can. I do have to come in at times because it became too hot and my illnesses suffered,but overall i love it.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

Good girl! I'm a summer baby I think that's why I love it so much 25th July I will be 52 but at the mo I feel 30! 😉😊 oh how it's gone so fast! Xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Sara i too am a summer baby and i will be 62 on the 25th of August.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

I'm the youngest....I just turned 51 last May.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Aww shut up don't rub it in darling. Pmsl.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

Lol...I'm screaming it from the roof tops.

"I'm younger than Sylvi and I have better looking dahlias!!!!"

Me shut up? Not bloody likely....lol

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I have better hair and nails than you so there!!!!!.xxxx lol

in reply to sylvi

Bwahahaha!! Touche!!! ....(as I stick out my tongue)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

My dahlias will be flowering long after yours have died me darling so stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Pmsl.xxxxx

in reply to sylvi

Some of my dahlias are flowering now & will until mid November. I will post a picture tonight...well my tonight, your morrning.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I have some on flower and talking dahlias we have loads down our allotment.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

How beautiful dahlias are!!

Tomorrow it is hubby's 53rd birthday & Canada will be 150 yrs old. Lots of fun on our boat Celebrating !!!!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I hope hubby has a lovely birthday.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

We are going to spend 4 days on our boat. July 1st is Canada day and we shall watch the fireworks from our boat. Then on July 4th we travel 5 miles or so & watch the America's celebration of fireworks on our boat. Going to be a fun week....note to self....wear sunscreen lol

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Have a lovely time and take loads of lovely photos darling.xxxx

Matalow profile image

I'm jealous I've had to sell my yacht as I couldn't handle the ropes etc also balance is dodgy.Enjoy your new toy it's a great pastime.

Regards Mike ( ex Matalow )

in reply to Matalow

Thanks Mike. So sorry you had to sell your boat Mike :(

Patsy70 profile image

Yes I'm the same at the moment. It's just great having so little pain. Long may it last

in reply to Patsy70

Yes, long may it last.

sylvi profile image

Aww darling its a lovely photo of you both. We had a heatwave while we were on holiday and it was very very hot, it didn't make a difference because i have a wry neck and it was very very painful.Mind you my ra felt a lot better.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

Thank you Sylvi.

That's awful your ra calms down only if you have a painful neck. That just seems so unfair.

I hope your neck gets better soon.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you my darling,it is going to take weeks so the dr says.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

I hope the weeks fly by for you. Does your doctor think that it is stress?

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

He didn't know,but i think it was because i did all the housework for hubby as he was so busy getting everything else down and i think i overdone it.xxxxxx

in reply to sylvi

This might sound odd, but there is a product that was popular over here, invented in the 1960's for body builders. It was invented for pulled muscles etc and it's called "Heet" . It smells like rotten sweat towels but it works like a charm.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Tiger balm doesn't smell very nice either darling. It helps a bit at least for a little while.xxxxx

in reply to sylvi

Tiger balm smells like a rose compaired to Heet.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

ha ha ha ha ha.xxxxxx

MickeyJoints profile image

Fantastic! Looks lovely and calm. We were out in a boat last week (rented) in Greece so I can vouch for what fun it is.

We *can* have fun with RA/OA. :-)

Gnarli profile image

Fantastic news! I couldn't be more thrilled for you and long may it continue.


linda-5502 profile image

Lovely Susanne i am very envious coming from the IOW and now live in Essex.So glad you have less pain it must be wonderful. Unfortunatly the very hot weather is as bad for me as cold. It upsets the PsA i have which then starts off thr RA but do rnjoy your freedom xxxc

in reply to linda-5502

Had to look up IOW. What a beautiful place to call home.

I hope your pain subsides soon.

linda-5502 profile image
linda-5502 in reply to

Thankyou Suzanne yes the island is a lòvely place i miss it but husband hates it. Also we came here to b near the grandchildren which is super xxx

in reply to linda-5502

Being near your grandchildren is wonderful. Family first is my motto!!

I lived on Vancouver Island and now I live on the Vancouver mainland. I do miss the iland lifestyle in the smaller communities.

Gnarli profile image

We are in France at the moment and have had over two weeks of sunshine and heat, too hot at times. Everything, except the fatigue, was sooo good. OK swollen feet and ankles but no hurting. The rain started four days ago. Nuff said.

in reply to Gnarli

France...oh how exotic that country is to me. Enjoy your visit.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

Thanks lovely Sue. We are lucky in that we visit every year for a month although my French is still dreadful. When it's not persisting down this part of the Dordogne is lovely.


in reply to Gnarli

I speak Canadian French though not as good as I once did. The French language spoken in France is a little different from the Canadian French language, but can be understood.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

Ah we were in Carcassonne a few years ago, we were camping and were trying to find the Canal du Midi - I had this romantic idea of cycling along the towpath.

While we were looking I saw a couple of people pushing bikes, they had Canadian flags in their panniers so I stopped and asked them for directions, turned out I must have stopped the only two French Canadians in town!

We found the canal eventually and cycled a way down it but it wasn't what I was expecting. We moved on to outside Beziers and found a different part of the canal later on and that was exactly what I was expecting. We cycled right down to the Mediterranean and had the loveliest lunch in a beach restaurant.

Have to say, we've been lost in pretty much every major city in Europe.

I was kind of creaky last week when it was really hot. My Pilates teacher said she had a few ladies like me. It's now damp and pretty chilly and I can feel my hands ache, sort of toothachey ache like I used to get before I started my steroids and hydroxychloroquine.

So, go out there, enjoy the sunshine and have a great weekend on your boat and maybe even do some skinny dipping :)

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Oh how exciting to cycle the canal and then to see the Mediterranean Sea!! That would be a dream vaction for me.

As for skinny dipping .... Just my luck i'd probly have the US coast guard speeding up on me. Apparently they are known to surprise people who enter their water at Point Roberts. Although I don't know why? Cheap milk, cheese , beer & gas is what their economy runs on :)

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

Clever lady!

That is fantastic im sooo genuinely happy for u and u hav given me hope ive been as u were for 2 years do u mind me asking wot medication helped u to be mobile again many congrats on ur new boat u go girl sending u hugs

in reply to

Aw thanks moyaelizabeth. I would love to give you advice, but my hubby was misdiagnosed with an arthritis that mimicked seropositive RA. I too am waiting (very impatently waiting ) to see if I was misdiagnosed too.

I do hope you get sorted soon. I'm sending you big hugs.

LyndaKenny profile image

Way to go, I'm so glad you get to do this.

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