Morning each and everyone of you,hope your not suffering too much from the heat. Sadly i am,my joints are really sore and my neck is swollen. I am down at the rheumys this morning so i will be talking to her about the pain this morning. My bloods last week show that the cimzia is working,mind you you wouldn't think so the way my joints are. I am a lot more cheerful and i am doing more before the heat gets too hot. At lunchtime it gets too hot and in i go and draw the curtains and rest. The sun is lovely especially at silly o'clock and the garden is a lovely place to be in the early morning. Well all of you take care and don't overdo the sun as i wouldn't want to hear that any of you have got sunstroke and by the way wear a hat. That sounds like i am telling you all off,but i am not just caring. Have a lovley day.xxxx
HEAT......................: Morning each and everyone... - NRAS

M'ing Sylvi. Me too is suffering with the heat, like you i am up at stupid o'clock to do things while its cool :-). I have an appointment today with podietrist dread going out in this heat mid morning. O well we should really enjoy it. Keep cool . Xx Alison
I Woke at 4am !! its only cool yp to 7am in the morning and after 9pm in the evening.. relatively cool that .. IS... Take care Sylvi im still struggling I tstay out of the sun in the afternoon its draining. I do what you so Sylvi after getting home from work x
I won't go out no more today,it is just too hot.Rheumy says my neck is caused by my fibro and the heat is making my joints and neck ache as well. God i hate this disease i really do, No i am getting light headed as well. They have given me a neck brace to support my neck while the fibro is in acute stage like it is at the moment. i am rather fed up with myself today so sorry for the
Oh wow I'm back. I could sometimes read the posts but not always,it wouldn't let me reply said my email add needed to be unique!! Nice to be back missed you all. Lovely weather here on the east coast. I try & stay in the shade,can't handle the sun these days. Hope your joints ease sylvi x
Hi Sylvi,it's good that your blood test shows that cimzia is working and hope it continues,you had a long wait to get started on it.
I love the sun but this is a little too extreme for me , hope you are all taking care in this heat and glad you are back caza !! Beth x
Glad your cimzia is working for you, my joints are painful in this heat ,especially my hands, and trying to sleep is a nightmare ;-), Gently hugs, Wendy xx
Oh hun sorry your suffering. Hope you have had a good rest this afternoon. I seem to be coping ok with the heat apart from my left ankle which has swollen and dam sore xxxx