Has anyone had hot sweats as a side effect on MTX, I feel like I'm on the menopause again lol xxx
MTX: Has anyone had hot sweats as a side effect on MTX... - NRAS

Hi I Am on 10 a week and I keep getting them really bad and can't get comfortable xx
I'm on week 8, do you know if it gets better?
Hi Lizzy I'm on week 10...the last two have been injections, although I'm on prednisolone too so not sure if it's that or mtx or RA itself that causes the sweats. Just out of nowhere the sweats happen..back of my neck in particular my hair would be soaking wet. I've definitely noticed an improvement in the last couple of weeks though so whether that's due to injections, tapering prednisolone or just the fact that mtx is now working I don't know but fingers crossed the sweats continue to get less as they are a real nuisance not to mention embarrassing.
Sharon 🌸
Hi ladies, I was only on mthx for one month as I had hot sweats, really bad nausea and horrific heartburn! Lasted four days every week! I've been on steroids for months so I definitely think the sweats were the Mthx. Do you have any other side effects? Worth mentioning to your rheumy ? Hope it's actually working and you are in less pain and more mobile. Take care x
Hi. I think it's from the RD rather than the mtx. I get the sweats whether I'm on mtx or not and the sweats are worse when the disease activity is worse. Yours should improve as mtx takes effect.
I get them all the time end up changing clothes and the bed !
Hi Liz, I have been taking MTX for 6 weeks and have had a few nights where I woke up and my neck was sweaty. I have not had any hot flashes with menopause. I don't know if it will help you but I have been taking Herbal Equilibrium from The Women's Health Network twice a day for years. Do call them and they will advise on the supplement. I had zero symptoms when I went through menopause. Also, I have had just a bit of tiredness with MTX, no other symptoms. Good luck! Penny
P.S. I was born in 1962 and so was my husband! XO