Can you take a daily Vit B complex if you are taking ... - NRAS


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Can you take a daily Vit B complex if you are taking folic acid 6 days a week

Runrig01 profile image
10 Replies

I currently take Vit B complex each morning to help with the fatigue. If I increase folic acid 5mg to 6 days a week, should I stop the complex?

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Runrig01 profile image
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10 Replies
cjatthesea profile image

Not sure I totally understand your question. I would not take Folic acid and Folate. Folate would be the best choice.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to cjatthesea

I don't follow. My Rheumy prescribed folic acid 5mg weekly with instructions I could increase if side effects started. At present I take a combined vitamin B complex tablet 5 days a week Sat-Wed, take MTX Thurs, then 5mg folic acid Fri. What I'm wondering is if I can still take the Vit. B complex daily ( it has 200 much folic acid in it).

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to Runrig01

I should check with your Rheumy, as they have prescribed the weekly dose. It could be that your B complex contains a very small amount of folic acid in comparison to the weekly 5mg dose - do you mean 200 micrograms? The other thing is that B vitamins are water soluble, so you should excrete any excess, but again, I'm not sure about the therapeutic action of a large dose. Always best to check when there are other things to be considered such as the MTX.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to Rugger

Yes sorry 200 micrograms. My Rheumy gave me the ok to increase folic acid if I needed. Was already suffering nausea when I seen her, due to some adrenal insufficiency after 4.5yr on steroids. She said then if nausea continued or other side effects occurred increase your folic acid to 6 days a week. When I was on MTX for the 5 month previously, I only needed once a week folic acid. It just seems starting straight on the 15mg rather than tapering up from 7.5mg, is causing the loss of appetite. She has kept my steroid dose at 2mgs for 3 months which has helped the nausea.

Davy123 profile image
Davy123 in reply to Runrig01

Hi Runrig, just wondered as you were on benepali and I'm due to start. Have you stopped benepali or have you to take both mtx and benepali. I couldn't tolerate mtx. I know it doesn't answer your question, just curious about the benepali as you seemed to be ok on it at first. Thanks

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to Davy123

Im taking both, the MTX was restarted to help the peripheral pains, and has done wonders 😁

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

It's really best not to take any Vits that have not been prescribed by your Rheumy. The FA dose of 5mg per day X 6 days...not taken on day you take Mtx .......seems to be the most effective. Make sure you keep well hydrated.....take all your oral meds with lots of water.

Next time you see your Rheumy have a list of every non prescription pill you take. In the meantime why not ask your pharmacist...they are usually very knowledgeable about which non scrip pills should not be mixed with prescription drugs.

helixhelix profile image

Could you just swap to plain B12 rather than a compound pill? But 200ug is pretty minor addedon to 5mg.

nomoreheels profile image

I'd ask your Rheumy runrig, particularly if you may be increasing your 5mg a week dose. B complex is a tricky one, it could be you need some of the 8 B vitamins it comprises but not all. Symptoms of too much are many & varied so it could be difficult to determine if it's your B complex or one of your meds you could be reacting to. This is why I think it's best if you ask your Rheumy if it's necessary for you to supplement, or ask your GP to test you, it should be a clear result whether you're deficient or even anaemic.

JennyA123 profile image

Hi I do take B complex everyday and also folic acid exempt for the day of Mtx. My Dr. Did not change my B-complex. But is best if you ask You're Dr. Good luck!

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