Hi All, I had my rheumy appt yesterday and told him I had started suffering nausea for the last couple of months which generally lasted half the week. He has increased my folic acid from once a week to three times a week. I failed to ask him on what days I should take these, I know I don't take one the same day as my mtx. Can anyone help? The script says, take 3 times a week as directed.
Increased folic acid, not sure when to take - 3 days ... - NRAS
Increased folic acid, not sure when to take - 3 days on the trot or space out?

Nowadays I'm on 6 a week but when I started MTX my Consultant said just the one the day after but when I started having hair issues he increased it to one the day before along with my normal one the day after which helped. So, from that how about taking one the day before then the others the two days after your MTX day?
However you take them I hope it helps with the nausea.
Hi I had the same problem so I take my MTX on a Wednesday then I take folic acid fri, sat, sun and the nausea has almost gone .
Yes I'm also 6 days a week except Methetrexate day and I also drink loads off water which also helps with the nausea
I had same problem when mine was up to 3 I was told to take one day before my methotrexate and then one the following two days but none on my methotrexate day.Im now on 6 a week I also drink loads of water before and after it does seem to help x