I have RA and I am on Methatrixate...and for a few months now have a strange feeling in my lungs when I breath in...not painful...has anyone else had this......
Side effect from Methatrixate: I have RA and I am on... - NRAS
Side effect from Methatrixate

Talk to your medical team. MTX can affect lungs in several different ways so always best to check just in case.

Hi Issis
As Helixhelix has said, I think you really need to consult with your medical team about this. Because methotrexate can affect the lungs, they may want you to stop taking it until they find out the cause of your symptoms, but you would need to check with them asap. Your GP may be able to help, but best to contact your rheumatology team if you can.
Kind regards
(NRAS Helpline)
It started making me breathless so was sent for immediate chest x ray. Thing is with these drugs the side effects are terrible
Get Rheumy to do either Xray or MRI.
Methotrexate can cause serious lung problems including Interstitial Lung Disease.
My methotrexate was stopped after it caused scarring to my lungs.
Whe I took MTX I got bronchitis twice within one month
When I started taking MTX a couple of years ago my Rheumatologist told me to stop taking it immediately if I developed a persistent dry cough. To go to my GP and request a chest x-ray as a matter of urgency.
As others have said you need to get this checked out.