I've been taking asprin daily since having a heart attack 11 years ago but have cut right back on it this past month or so because of stomach problems, I've had to stop taking naproxen completely. I had a blood test a few weeks ago which showed a borderline high platelet count plus clumping and was told to have a repeat test. I just phoned for the results of the repeat test and was told that another repeat test was required, which I'll be having in 10 days time. I'm a bit concerned about having to have another blood test (I did start taking asprin again 3 days prior to this test) so am wondering if the cutting back on asprin could be the reason for the highish platelet count and clumping, if indeed that is the reason for another blood test??
Since going back on asprin my stomach issues have returned, not that they cleared up entirely, but they weren't as bad as when I was on daily asprin. Are there any alternatives to asprin that are kinder on the stomach? I mentioned clopidogrel to my GPs but they did not seem fussy on me taking it. They commented that it was more suitable for stopping strokes rather than heart attacks and it could also cause stomach problems.
I'm currently taking 75mg of asprin every other day instead of daily...will have to wait and see how I get on with this lower dose. Should add that I also take 40mg of omeprazole daily and 400 mg of hydroxychlorequine, which I believe can also cause stomach trouble.
Thoughts much apreciated