Today after seeing a consultant, he informed me that following a MRI scan two of the disks in my back are very thin consequently an operation is not an option, and has suggested that a injection into the spinal area may help to alleviate some of the pain that I have had for the last 4 years. I would be interested to hear from any sufferers who have had any injections and did they help and for how long, I believe the high dose of steroids for the last 4 years are partly responsible for the damage, these used to help control the R/A.
Injections into spine to alleviate back pain. - NRAS
Injections into spine to alleviate back pain.

I had numerous injections in my spine, also had nerve fibres cut, none of which worked for me, I'm afraid. I ended up having spinal surgery ( all long before my diagnosis of Spondyloarthropathy but I believe I was suffering from it then.) Clemmie
I have had three lots of injections into my spine (a mix of steroid and anaesthetic). One lot worked brilliantly and gave me relief for nearly six months. The others weren't worth having. I think you are more likely to get good results if there is a definite problem area, and they use xray guidance to make sure the injection goes into exactly the right place. Our local hospital doesn't do xray guidance which I guess is why my results were a bit hit and miss.
I think it would be worth while being referred to a pain clinic specialist though to ask about spinal injections and also whether there is anything else that might help.
I have had two, guided under x ray. Mine worked great and lasted just under a year. I was told not everyone responds to the injection so fingers crossed you're like me one of the lucky ones who responds well.
It made a huge difference for me. My problem discs are my upper back and even taking a deep breathe was agony!
I had one under general anaesthetic, x-ray guided, and it has lasted just over a year and a quarter. It took about a week before I noticed the benefit, but then I could stand up straight again and stand still in shopping queues. I have narrowing of the spinal canal, so might need an operation later, but am now on the waiting list for another injection. Good luck.
I thank you and fellow readers for the sound advice, not a treatment that I am looking forward to but if it can afford some pain relief it should be worthwhile, thanking you.