I was just wondering , what causes the stiffness in joints , is it the inflamation ,sometimes it feels like I need oiling .
joint stiffness: I was just wondering , what causes the... - NRAS
joint stiffness

I think it was on here in a recent post of mine I said I'm like the Tin man except I'm a lady. I know how you feel!! I'm not sure but it must be something to do with inflammation, although my joints are not currently red and inflamed I am very achy.
When you say achy, do you mean your joints or your muscles too? Just getting a sense of what all my aches and pains are about. I had terrible.body a he's about three weeks ago before my elbows decided they didn't want to lift anything without pain.

Achy as in not throbbing sore joints but my joints feel heavy so moving is an effort. Then when I'm still my joints are up to something as I can lay there and feel the pain in each. It's so hard to explain.
I feel the same way just like the tin man lol i squeak and creak all day in every joint. I the swelling and inflammation are contributors of the stiffness that's for sure.
I think we all need oiling or we feel like 🔧🔩🔨
Hi😃 I'm discovering and experimenting eliminating foods to find out what triggers this inflammation...I am seeing hope as I continue..I've been experimenting for a few months now as well as getting info online to at least see what common things are being said. So far I can see alcohol definitely makes my joints hurt..which is a bummer cuz I love to enjoy alcohol on so many occasions😞😎...but...you can't fool your body so I gotta listen to it. Also soy sauce makes me hurt also...I'm gluten free now mostly but haven't concluded it yet..presently I'm experimenting with eggs ...they seem a possible trigger. I hope it's diet and not a life sentence cuz I'm 58 and adopted a baby as well as take care of a 6 year old!!
I think food is medicine. I bet you will heal yourself if you can find all the triggers! Best of luck.

Aww thanks for the encouragement..this is all new to me... With a recent diagnosis of Hashimoto's suddenly with no symptoms now on levothyroxine... I'm feeling all sorts of pains and bloating... Do you have any suggestions of what works for you?
Hi I'm pretty sore tonight and also getting a lot of cramp in feet but hopefully things will settle down again as I've been not to bad lately ,I think it's the RA just letting me know that it's still lurking around hope you feel better soon
Many years ago I tried an exclusion diet monitored by a so-called consultant in York. Followed the regime for 6 months with negative results. Only succeeded in losing lots of weight, down to 6 1/2 stones. Felt dreadful. Having said that had a friend who found dairy products were her trigger for inflammation. We are all different and it is likely some RD is precipitated by food allergies. Worth a try!
Best wishes Pam
Joint stiffness can also be down to low or deficient vitamin D blood levels.