Feel like giving up on drugs.: Every day for 20 years I... - NRAS


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Feel like giving up on drugs.

JacquiThomas999 profile image
11 Replies

Every day for 20 years I have to take meds. First it was hay fever, then asthma inhalers, then IBS meds. And then I had to carry epipens. Now it is MTX and folic acid. And I am getting fed up. So today, I decided not to take my meds, until I started coughing and so had to relent. Will I ever have a day without drugs. I feel that I am responsible for using up half the NHS drugs budget. All I want is to be like everyone else and not rattle when I move. Rant over.

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JacquiThomas999 profile image
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11 Replies
JacquiThomas999 profile image

It made me smile. I think that I have hit a down spot. Hands, wrists and feet have hurt all week. Shoulder has been playing up. Had a brother over from New Zealand (unlikely we will meet again, he has stage 4 liver cancer). On a plus note had a friend get married, but could only spend about 1 hour at reception owing to tiredness. Husband has just realised this will be his first Fathers Day without his Dad (my second). Blood test tomorrow and Rheummy nurse on Thursday. I think I am just fed up.

nomoreheels profile image

I think most of us feel as though we're ruled by our meds from time to time Jacqui but they keep us upright & much better than we'd be without them. You've had a testing time lately (so sorry to hear about your brother) & it's ok to feel as you do but just keep on keeping on. You've had a taste of how you'd be without them, me too & it's not a pretty sight! Be strong & well. x

Crusee profile image

Hi Jacqueline.

I know exactly how you feel.I have often thought of this course of action as well and in fact have also left off meds for a day or so.

Unfortunately,the following day I have definitely noticed that I have not taken my meds.So as much as I don't want to take them I can't live without them so am back on them.

They are there for a reason and sometimes I think they are not helping me but when I take them I can see just how much they do for me.

If you are concerned about the amount, of drugs you take,speak to your gp or rheumy to see if any can be reduced or changed which may make you feel better about what you take.

The other option is diet control but I am afraid I am not the best to advise on this but there are others on this site who have loads of knowledge and can advise on this aspect.

Good luck.



Caspiana profile image

Hello. I so understand. I once got so fed up I didn't use my inhaler and almost passed out. So I know I can never do that again ever. It's normal to get frustrated. I think we all do so rant away!

Cas xx🌷🌈

Fra22-57 profile image

I think we all wish we were back to our normal selves.NHS bill must be enormous.makes me think why me.I am only family member to get these diseases..why

JacquiThomas999 profile image
JacquiThomas999 in reply to Fra22-57

Same here. None of my siblings have these problems.

Sheila_G profile image

Hi Jacqui. It is good to have a rant now and again but I hope you have had second thoughts since then. None of us wants to take drugs and in an ideal world we wouldn't need to. Please don't give up on your drugs. You know you need them and I think it would be better if you spoke to your doctor about feeling depressed right now. You probably need a boost to make you feel better and then you would be more accepting of your situation. I wish you all the best.

JacquiThomas999 profile image

Hopefully Rheummy nurse will sort me out on Thursday, if not I will make an appointment with the Dr. But I am taking my pharmacy.

helixhelix profile image

Oh I do understand! You get so fed up with remembering, or feeling guilty that you haven't. And I hate the whole palaver of getting the prescriptions and filling them, and the fact that you can't forget about this illness even when you feel ok.

What has helped me is trying to change the way I view the meds. Rather than a chore and a burden I've moved more to think about them as something positive in my life. They are my friends now, who keep me going, and make me feel better. So I've tried to make the daily rituals of taking them into a nice thing, my 10 minutes with my feet up and a cup of tea in the morning (yes I know it should be water, but....) and a book before bed. And all the ugly packets of pills are now in a cupboard, and I have beautiful pill boxes. I wrote a post about my pill boxes a few months ago, when I'd just got them, and they've made a huge difference to me - here they are...


So maybe think about something nice you can do around taking them so that it feels like a nice part of the day?

CloudTreeDrive13 profile image

Yep - know the feeling along with all of us on this site. Have taken meds for 29 years now. Yes you do get peed off as it's a never ending cycle. I often get sick of being sick. Sorry to sound so harsh but as my mum used to say "There Is Always Someone Worse Off Than You". On reflection it can help you put things in perspective. You can not help being ill and it certainly isn't our fault. So stop beating yourself up and consider how well you've done over the years !!!!

Witness1 profile image

I recognise that need to rebel too and I have also demonised my meds in the past - only to get more bone damage. 10 years was a long rebellion! I had to hit a real low to accept that the meds were a necessary evil. I know that I feel much worse about my RA when I feel disempowered and discouraged and the only way I know to overcome that feeling is to achieve something. Sounds like you're going through a really tough period when you can't change what's going on around you so little wonder you feel down. A rant is a display of anger and anger is a type of power. Used constructively it can be good. I hope you'll find something to direct that angry energy at so you don't turn it on yourself. I'll remind myself of that the next time I want to hurl my Enbrel pen at the wall because it's stuck and I have to ask someone to help me. Aargh! Hope you're feeling less sad Jacqui.

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