To be more specific WE (Kelly Matthew and I) all have the cold from hell. I had chest x-rays, but it doesn't sound like they found anything urgent. Lila, my gp's nurse is trying to get results before the long weekend, and said that the delay in response is a good thing. She's an amazing person; I'm really grateful for my care team. My question is how long a grace period do I have before I start having symptoms again? I'm on Enbrel and mtx. The weather is quite unsettled and I swear my hands and knees are sore, but perhaps that's just the cold from hell making itself at home?
It's silly to moan about a cold, but honestly, I've coughed so hard my throat feels flayed. Chai tea with honey and lemon is my favourite home remedy (though I have to watch my blood sugars.).
There. I'm done whining. Now for three things that make me happy.
My cat curls up with me while I'm napping, usually on my hip.
There are roses along the way to my house. (mmmmmm love roses)
I'm wearing the necklace my son brought from Japan for me, and it reminds my of his visit.
I try to keep perspective in my complaining