Arthritic at Home: Actually, it's really Artists at... - NRAS


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Arthritic at Home

Jora profile image
37 Replies

Actually, it's really Artists at Home, the annual open studio in Hammersmith, Chiswick and Shepherds Bush. I've been doing it for 15 years and, thanks to the wonderful support of the weaver and jeweller who exhibit with me, I haven't had to miss out. I was first diagnosed just after the event in 2013; that was a tough one. I couldn't work out how I had aged about 20 years since the one in 2012!

As for last year, I will be donating proceeds from the sale of cards to NRAS. Appropriately, it's during Rheumatoid Arthritis Week. If any of you, or any of your chums, are able to come along, that would be great.

Last weekend, I judged the London competition of art by children with RA. More about that when they send through the winning images.

Two days after my open studio I have my knee replacement. I will certainly need it by then!


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Jora profile image
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37 Replies
Downtime profile image

I would love to come to your exhibition but I'm in the Channel Islands. I really like your work and would definitely have come if I'd been on a trip to the uk. I Hope it all goes well. The knee especially! Best wishes .

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to Downtime

Thanks, Downtime. I love the Channel Islands. I wonder which one you are on. You can always contact me through PM when you are on a visit to London.

Downtime profile image
Downtime in reply to Jora

I'm in Jersey. Will def contact you next time.

hatshepsut profile image

Unfortunately I am too far away (Scotland) to make it, but hope all goes well, both with your exhibition, and your knee replacement. One word of advice for the latter, take all the pain Meds that are offered to you, because then you will be able to do the exercises, and that's the key to success

Best wishes, Mavis xx

flow4 profile image
flow4 in reply to hatshepsut

Yeah, what hats says!

Jora profile image

Thanks, Hatshepsut (I am always intrigued by your name!) Don't worry, I intend to. I had a very helpful pre-op discussion with the physio, and am already doing exercises to try and strengthen my quads in preparation. The hospital has a hydro-therapy pool which is good. The surgeon actually said that the post-op pain might not be much worse than what I've been going through (when I'm not on the steroids) and psychologically I hope it will be different - the pain of recovery rather than or erosion!

Thanks for your support. Jo x

flow4 profile image
flow4 in reply to Jora

My hip was immediately less painful than it had been for about 18 months before, from the day of the THR itself! Knees are more complex joints than hips, of course, but I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Good luck on your artists at home event - looks great! :)

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to flow4

Thanks Flow. I'll need a rest, albeit in hospital, after having 300 people through the house over three days!

hatshepsut profile image
hatshepsut in reply to Jora

She was a very strong woman, a female pharaoh in a man's world.....a contradiction in terms.. The ancient Egyptians believed that if their name was forgotten, they could not enjoy the afterlife. After her death, her name was removed from all the monuments, tablets and statues, because she was female.

I like to use her name because I don't want her to be forgotten, I think she earned eternity......if it exists. Egypt ology is my secret passion.....can even read hieroglyphs!!! M xx

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to hatshepsut

Aha! I would never have guessed that, but thank you so much. I had got it into my head that it was an anagram. You can read hieroglyphs! That's impressive. j x

Azabat profile image
Azabat in reply to hatshepsut

My name is a joke. Say the word 'blind' before it, and all is revealed :D

hatshepsut profile image
hatshepsut in reply to Azabat

Love it!!!

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to Azabat

I had worked out yours months ago, Bats. It was Hatshepsut's name I was pondering on. Mine is a bit of a joke too. In the UK, the initials RA after one's name means that one is a distinguished member of the Royal Academy.

I hope you are gradually feeling better. Take care, Jo xx

Smiler53 profile image

Hope all goes well with your open studio and with the same of the cards.

Wishing you all the best for your knee operation. Let us know how you get on. X

Jora profile image

Thanks Smiler. I'll keep in touch. J x

cathie profile image

I hope the open studio goes well and that it will distract you from thinking about the op. Everything people have said about the pain being a positive rather than an erosive thing I can vouch for. You will let us know how you get on won't you!


Jora profile image
Jora in reply to cathie

Thanks Cathie. Yes, I'll keep you posted.

Cathy777 profile image

Hey let me know date etc. I will try and come! I live in north London. I have never heard of this event. I would love to meet someone from this forum. I am beginning to think you are all in my mind and I have conjured you up to help me cope! Oh good luck with the knee. I have not had to experience that.

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to Cathy777

Hi Cathy, I think you will find all the information in the flyer that I posted at the top of this thread. Let me know if you can't read it and I will PM it to you, Jo

helixhelix profile image

So exciting about the knee...and after an open weekend you'll probably be so tired you'll hardly need anaesthetic! And may you have many appreciative visitors so dreams are filled with positive thoughts.

Sadly I get back to London on Monday for a week only, as I'd love to see what you do. You may see my sister again tho'; she really enjoyed your work last year. Anyway, I'll concentrate on positive knee-like thoughts on Tuesday.

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to helixhelix

Thanks, Helix. Yes I remember your sister coming. I think she hit an especially busy time. It happens like that. One moment, it's as if a coach party has arrived, the next it is quiet, though we didn't have many quiet periods last year. The second half of that sandwich never did get eaten!

Yes, I'm sure I will be exhausted, but probably in quite a hyper way, so they had better sedate me. Apart from the pain, I don't want to hear the sawing noise! J

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to Jora

I've sent you the details in a private message. I hope they are more legible there! J

Cathy777 profile image

Oh right I will need to get my magnfyer out to read it! Thank you!

dhall54 profile image

How funny - I've always thought because of your profile name you were the Swedish artist who lives on Chiswick Mall. Now I see you are just down the road from our house - behind big grey gates opposite The Duchess of Cambridge or whatever it might be called now - where we moved from three years ago, shortly after I woke up one morning with the body of an eighty year old..... Anyway, just to say I really love your work and good luck with the show!

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to dhall54

Funny indeed, and it sounds as if we were both struck by RA at the same time. If your ex-house is the one I think it is, it is an architect-designed space that was in Open House a few years ago. I wonder if you have moved far away.

I don't know the Swedish artist. My user name is composed of Jo and RA. I'd like to sat that the RA stood for Royal Academy, but unfortunately is a much more familiar acronym on this site!

Many thanks for such positive feedback. Jo

dhall54 profile image
dhall54 in reply to Jora

That's the one - and the architect is my husband... I miss it. But we sold up and built another house on Dartmoor (and a tiny flat in W8) so can't complain!

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to dhall54

What a shame we didn't meet whilst you were there. A house on Dartmoor! My dream. I come from Devon (originally Plymouth, then a little village near Ivybridge). I long to move out of London, but keep foothold as you have done, but I don't drive any more ( poor vision) and I'm on my own, so I don't really see it happening. I'm in the process of trying to down-size, but I'm very hard to please and I know it's because a large part of me wants to escape stressful , polluted, over-crowded London. Heigh Ho! Jo

Hi Jo

Wanted to wish you success at the open house next month and for her knee op, I'm sure you won't believe it's actually happening until you are in the anaesthetic room and the injection is going in. Keep away from any snotty/coughing folk won't you!

Would love to see your paintings in the flesh one day but sadly not this year.

My sister had a TKR 2 years ago, her daughter was 4 at the time and not in full time school. I went through it to Holland to look after them for 2 weeks.

Post exercises very important. Poor Sisters knee seized up and she had to go back in and have her wound opened up.

But you will be fine.

Have you got people to come in and help when you get home?

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to

Bless you Kiki. Yes, I've got help, or at least plenty of offers, but I can't see how I will need any more than I did at the outset when every joint in my body was affected.

I'm already very conmitted to the pre-op exercises I've been given, to strengthen the quads, so I trust I'll be able to keep it up post-op.

Thanks do much for your good wishes.

Look after yourself,

Jo xx

Creakywrists profile image

I would love to come and see that wonderful painting again - and the others - but sadly it's too far. I hope all goes well with your operation and you make a good recovery.

Jora profile image
Jora in reply to Creakywrists

Thanks a lot, Creakywrists. I'm optimistic that the new knee will make a huge difference. The s cond one is pretty bad, but the first is now excruciating, and even Teamadol doesn't seem to hit the spot.

Best, Jo

Azabat profile image

One of these years I'd love to come visit the event :) I'll start swimming just as soon as this cold lets up. Have a wonderful time, my friend, and hooray for the knees-up Many hugs,


Jora profile image
Jora in reply to Azabat

Just a single knee-up this time, which doesn't quite have the same ring to it! Because of my propensity for getting infections, he thinks it's safer to do one at a time. I have chosen to assume that he knows best.

Perhaps I'd better get my friends in Victoria to arrange an exhibition there. A considerably shorter swim for you. 😀



18446 profile image

I'd love to come. I was diagnosed with Seropositive RA in 2014. I am an artist living in North London. It would be interesting to meet you and see your work. No promises that I will be able to get there on public transport but I have logged the details in my diary in the hope that I can

Jora profile image

I don't know if the North London line is convenient to you. Assuming it's running OK, you could go to Gunnersbury, then tube to Turnham Green and 272 bus from there ( or a 10 minute walk ) of course, I quite understand it may well depend on your energy and pain levels. But it would be lovely to meet you. J

Jora profile image

I' ve just visited your website. I love the birds, especially. The sculptures make my work look very boring. My website is J

popsmith1874 profile image

Hope your operation goes ok and a speedy recovery xxx

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