Blood results came back : My blood results came back... - NRAS


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Blood results came back

6 Replies

My blood results came back and I have positive ESR and CRP. Seeing gp now on the 26th, still waiting for appointment with rheumatologist. Is it a good or bad thing that my blood results show I'm positive for an inflammatory disease?

6 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Depends on what you call positive!  The ideal is of course that you woke up this morning with no symptoms at all, and negative blood results so basically all you had was something temporary that's gone away....

But having results that show you do have a raised inflammation marker (ESR) and anti-bodies that are reasonable specific for rheumatoid arthritis (CCP) does make it much more likely that you will get a firm diagnosis and then treatment.  Which can be a good thing as quite a few sero-negative people have real trouble getting taken seriously and languish for a long time with no diagnosis and treatment.   So maybe try to view that as a good thing? 

nomoreheels profile image

Both mine came back quite high when my GP took my bloods when I first saw her about inflamed & painful feet & she referred me to a diagnostic clinic, I went from her to the receptionist who booked me in for 15 days later. There I had further testing & examinations plus imaging, much the same as you'll probably have at your first Rheumy appointment. I was diagnosed seropositive & started on my first treatment. Three months later I had my first Consultant's appointment & he examined me again, sent me for x rays & tweaked my meds. So from my viewpoint & reading of other's struggles to get an early definitive diagnosis (often because they don't have positive CRP) it's a positive, in every sense of the word. Did your GP say he'd be repeating your tests on the 26th?

in reply to nomoreheels

Hi, not sure if gp is going to repeat tests. Only had the tests done because in my first blood test the ESR and CRP were not tested for, as I have seen a different gp cause she's brilliant she may do a re test while I'm waiting to see rheumatologist. 

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Good to hear you've got a good GP, I have too & they're worth their weight. Let us know how it goes & if you think we can help you only need to ask.

I was stunned when my results came back positive too, so I know how confused you feel...The good think about being seropositive is that you can start on your way to healing...take a deep breath and follow the advice of your doctor in this confusing time. I was so overwhelmed at the begining of my therapy that I put my faith in the hands of my doctor. As time has gone on and my  confusion of the initial diagnose has faded, I began to research RA. Now I take an active roll in my health with the help of my doctor.

I wish you well


popsmith1874 profile image

Hi and welcome t the club , at the moment your head will be mince with all the things that are going round in it but this site will help you a lot and also the above you get from your Rheumy consultant will help you a long the path this disease takes you, you will soon get to know what limitations you have so welcome and don't be afraid to ask for help as we are all here to help each other and we all understand what your going through take care xxx

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