Will i never learn...........: Got up this morning... - NRAS


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Will i never learn...........

sylvi profile image
31 Replies

Got up this morning feeling really great for me so when i went up to get dressed i gave the bathroom a good cleaning and the floor as well, also wiped down all the surfaces too. Then i proceeded to hoover the top of the landing and downstairs as well. Then after lunch hubby went to a funeral and i went out to the garage to get a tv table in to put upstairs in my bedroom and boy was it heavy and i put it on my stairlift to take it upand then it needed a damn good polish before i put it in my bedroom and it looks alright if i say so myself. The only trouble now is i am exhausted and fatigued and oh so tired and i keep getting pains in various parts of my body. My fingers are the worst for being sore. So now i have put my pjs on and i am getting comfy on my recliner and hubbyis getting changed then he is going to make me a cup of tea. I am going to get told off when he comes down for getting that table indoors i can quarentee you of that. He words will be something like "You couldn't wait could you"

The photo today is one of the flowers hubby brought me for valentines day.Hugs to you all.xxxxxx

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sylvi profile image
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31 Replies
Fruitandnutcase profile image

Oh Sylvi - it's awful isn't it when you do that sort of thing then wish you hadn't, it always seems like a good idea at the time and the effort involved isn't a patch on the pain afterwards. I think the table was probably the straw that broke the camels back although I'm not sure cleaning the floor or vacuuming would have done you much good either.

Sit back and enjoy your cuppa while looking at your beautiful flowers and tell yourself that's the last time you're going to go mad cleaning - you've got to pace yourself, hope you feel lots better soon

((( big hugs)))

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Fruitandnutcase

It was the tv table i must admit and i always say i am not going to do it again and i will pace myself and i was good this morning and i did take it slowly and took rests,but the table was what did it for me i am afraid.xxxxx

DC56 profile image

You are silly doing it all in one go my old doctor told me it'll still be there tomorrow little and often is better than all in one go take care and hope you enjoyed your cup of tea X X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to DC56

I know and usually i do take it easy when doing things,but this morning i felt the energy that i haven't felt in such a long time.xxxx

DC56 profile image
DC56 in reply to sylvi

I know because it's hard to stop when your feeling good 🌟

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to DC56

I know i was always told the dust will be there long after your dead,but i felt so energised and i haven't felt like that in such a long time.xxxx

Pleased you felt brighter today Sylvi and was able to do some housework,, but that is something I do as well, I really have to stop myself doing more than I should. Take it easy now and I hope you regain your energy very quickly. What are we - Silly billies.

Love the colour of the flower, hope you enjoyed the day and your meal .X

Heathersmum69 profile image

Hi Sylvi,

I am the same as you it seems. Rather than wait for my hubby to do a job for me I will do it myself then suffer for it. I am stubborn,and I don't like to give in.

Well today I have given in. This is my third week off work, and I am thinking of giving up work all together. I have so much wrong with me at the moment RA,Fibro,under active thyroid and anemia that I feel to ill to work. I have to be harsh but I don't think this job is the right job for my illnesses. I'm not one to give in but at the moment I feel that I am beat.

I like your flowers ,I love pink. My hubby brought me some perfume ( Dolce Rosa)

It is very floral ,just what I love.

Take care,

Big hugs.

Jane xxx🌸🌷🌺

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Heathersmum69

The bathroom is a place where you can see if it hasn't been cleaned and it is white as well,but i was well pleased after i had done it. Regarding your work don't take any advice from anyone do what you feel is right for you if you can afford to give up.xxxx

allanah profile image

Hugs back, rest now X

Smiler53 profile image

Oh Sylvi, you sound just like me. When i read it i had to laugh, because I've just something similar and now I'm waiting to be told off and I'm just off to get my PJ's on and take some pain killers. I'm gonna know it later - ouch!

Smiler53 profile image

Sorry Sylvi I cut myself off half way through so had to edit prev post. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Smiler53

Ha ha ha ha. Just like me.xxxx

nomoreheels profile image

What a lovely colour, just you! You've gone & done it again, I know that you want to may hay whilst the sun shines but then it all goes downhill. Do please try to pace yourself a bit more Sylvi, we bother about you. ((x))

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

I know darling and i don't think i would have been too bad if i hadn't decided to get that tv table in as it was very heavy lugging it from the garage to the stairlift then into the bedroom and then lifting onto the chest of drawers. Thats what did me in darling.xxxxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sylvi

If only we each had a crystal ball, maybe then we could plan our days & not suffer for it. x

Simone_Holly profile image

It's so easy to get carried away when you feel able, I think we're all guilty of that so please don't feel bad! I think it's hard for family and friends to understand why we get carried away at times, because to them it's crazy but to us it's that little bit of freedom and chance to feel normal! Hope hubby isn't to hard on you and that you're feeling better soon. Lots of love x

sylvi profile image

Hubby has been worried about me since as he keeps asking me if i am alright,well this morning i am not alright,i feel like i have a nasty bug or something,plus my joints as you would expect are screaming at me and i haven't slept very well either. Nothing i wasn't expecting to be honest so i can't complain now can i.xxxxxx

Diddydriver profile image

Sorry you didn't have a good night. We all do too much when we feel a little better I think it is because we are women and see the dust and grime. I do the same but unlike most I have to make my own cup of tea, as I have said before my hubby has dementia and mobility issues I have everything to do myself. I hope the pain gets a bit better as the day goes on. Put your feet up today and rest. Xx DD

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Diddydriver

I am sorry your hubby has dementia that is a cruel disease,i think worse than what we go through. I won't be doing too much today read the paper and my magazine if it comes.xxxxx

caron6056 profile image

Sounds familiar! It's hard not to try and catch up with all the jobs when you actually wake up feeling half decent for once, but I always end up paying for it later too! Have as rest and enjoy your lovely flowers x

MaryTH profile image

Tut! Tut! But I think it's what we all do, think we are ok then bam !!! Take care xx


JacquiThomas999 profile image

I think that we over compensate when we can do stuff. I really should be resting today, but my sewing machine looks so tempting....

Martinilady profile image

I'm not surprised you feel exhausted after all that activity, I'm exhausted reading it. I would have to have at least a half hour after each exercise - then carry on - it may take longer throughout the day but hey ho it would get done. x

Shirl8beauts profile image

Lovely to read all your comments Sylvia. You are naughty aren't you? Bet it looks good though. Despite the pain you must have a sense of achievement.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Shirl8beauts

I did and i was very pleased with it to be honest,but god do i hurt today though.xxxx

Anjila profile image

have you heard of the spoon theory you have to decide which task you can do,but i know what you mean i do it to i did an afternoons gardening last week as the weather was so good (only weeding) but i paid for it the next day i did get a lot of satisfaction out of though and the fresh air benefited me, just do what you feel you can each day yr hubby sounds just like mine i get told off for doing heavy chores but he is a dear (i didnt get any flowers on sunday though ha ha). keep well warm hugs to you....

carotopgal profile image

I know it's SO hard to not do things when you are feeling "better" (a relative word, I know!). I do the same thing. :-)

Your flowers are beautiful!!! Hope you have a much better day today! Hugs!

pinksugarmouse profile image

We never learn do we? Get the right balance we are told. Don't overdo it on good days we are told, but hey you just want to make the most of a good day. It's so easily done.

My partner has to stop me from cleaning up before the cleaner comes. "Why did you get a cleaner?" he asks "because I struggle with the cleaning" he nods "so why are you cleaning, before the cleaner comes?" I think "errm so she won't think I need a cleaner"

Partner sighs "but you need a cleaner" .... yes there is no logic to this is there?

I love your flowers. I hope the funeral went smoothly and your husband is okay. And I hope you are feeling much better now.

Is there any point to me saying; "now don't do it again."

pinksugarmouse profile image

Gosh our partners and husbands like to tell us off don't they? We know they are right but do we listen?

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to pinksugarmouse

No we don't listen because of them we do it as we want to help them as they do so much for us.xxxx

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