Was put on MTX in Sept 2014, within 3 months I had a cough, after suffering with cough for 2 months was taken off MTX and not given anything else, had lung function tests and xrays, all mainly clear. In March 2015 had a big flare up (no meds at all) and it damaged my kneecap so now I have to use crutches to walk. End of march I was given leflunomide, took about 5/6 weeks to get into system and suffered with flare-ups in the meantime. The Lef didnt work as well as the MTX so in about July was given hydroxychloroquine but that disagreed with me severely and stopped it after a couple of weeks.
Because I was still getting regular flare-ups I asked about going back onto MTX to see if it was better second time around. I started the MTX 5 weeks ago and the cough is back, keeping me awake at night, its a dry tickly cough, really annoying. Last time on MTX I was told to take folic acid once a week day before MTX, this time I take it everyday apart from MTX day.
My question is: is there anything else I can try that might work for me? I cant do injections