Got a phone call from Nuffield today where I'm having my knee arthroscopy booked in for my arthrogram on 17th Dec on hip I'm dreading that 😮🤔
Hip : Got a phone call from Nuffield today where I'm... - NRAS

Bless you but by Xmas it will be done xxxxx think positive it's for a good reason maybe! Xx
Let's hope it gets to what's wrong with it they already know I have arthritis innit wonder why he wants this ??? U just get fed up of all the tests and needles sometimes. Xxx
good luck and hope you get some answers.
surgery is a bit frightening but you will be in good hands.
hope you will be up and about to enjoy Christmas
I had this done, it was ok and I didn't hurt anywhere after. Mine was to take biopsies as well as look around and clear away adhesions. the worst part was the waiting, in at 6.30am and the very last to be done at 4pm. As it was that late I couldn't be a day case but I didn't care as I was far too tired anyway. I hope yours goes as well as mine did.
You will be fine, It will be over before you realise it and you will find out what's wrong and then get it sorted .
I have had two new knees and just now recovering from a new hip.and the relief from all that pain is wonderful .just do what they ask you and you will be fine .
Good luck
Joan 😘
I had my first mAjor hip op in 2012 I was 31 I'm now at 34 having my 3 hip op