I'm in sodding agony after that injection last tues it's not helped at all I'm in sooooo much PAIN today 🙀
Hip: I'm in sodding agony after that injection last... - NRAS

hi Dee i'm sorry to hear your in agony is there anything i can do to help i'm here if needed take care big hug for you from me your friend Alan xxxx
Hi Deejojo,
Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain, sounds awful. Doesn't sound like it has helped much! Hope it eases soon. Hugs.
Smiler xxx
I feel for you in an vicarious way. Took my h for a depo-medrone injection this morning & just hope it works for him, he's in agony.
Can you not contact your team to let them know it's not eased your hip? x
I'm not under a rheumy Hun I'm back to see consultant wes eve x
Sorry to hear that. I've had 3 injections in total and the 2nd one must have been a dud, as I did not get much benefit. VERY frustrating when you keep hoping on day 4 that it's going to kick in and it doesn't. My last one is more or less worn off and the MTX is going to take some time be fore it takes over, so I might been here soon spitting about the pain too!
This too will pass, as they say. Yea, but hurry UP!
Thanks this is the 3rd 1 I've had but this 1 apparently went further into the joint still,hasn't helped I'm fed up