Hi all, it's me again. Just need a little advice . You all seem to help.last time I asked. So I thought I would try again. I have caught a rotten cold. And being as I am.on leflunomide and hyrochloxcloroquine for arthritis and blood pressure tabs as well as watching my cholesterol
I worry about what you can take. A friend recently mentioned a vitamin supplement called echinacea. But I just read about it and it's meant to help the immune system. Ra is an auto.immune disease so could this new vitamin supplement make my arthritis worse???
Also asked for a referral to podiatrist being as my feet and heels are playing me up. My rhuemy nurse contacted one who sent me a letter saying I am not in there area so they won't take me. So what do I do next????
Thanks if anyone can help. Do you all take any vitamin supplements if so which ones help. Thanks again. I look forward to a reply. Xx