Newly Diagnosed and Fed up!! After having a very disappointing First & second appointment at my local hospital ... I have decided to ask my GP to Refer me elsewhere! ... I live near Heathrow airport but would be willing to travel a bit for the right care.... Can Anyone recommend Rheumatolgy Consultant and Hospital where the care that is deserved is given and appointment times are less than 6 months between visits ... Or if you know of a website that gives me this info....Any help greatly received
Hospital waiting times and care: Newly Diagnosed and... - NRAS
Hospital waiting times and care

Hi sorry to hear your not happy with your local hospital hope you find somewhere better soon,,my hospital is nuffield Orthopedic center Oxford i cannot fault them the rhumeys are amazing and take the time to talk through everything the last time i went i had to have a chest xray i was so scared she came down with me to the reception and rang me with the results 15 mins after i had it done as i get paranoid waiting,,i have my appointment every 4 mts and a helpline with my rhumey nurse they are just amazing,x
Is Bath too far to travel? Can't remember the exact name of the hospital but it specialises in rheumatic disorders.
Don't know about getting appointments less than 6 months apart though. I've been waiting 18 months since my last.
I changed from Exeter hospital to Guys in London and have found them excellent.
I know how you must be feeling . It's the big gaps between appointments that I find so difficult. I had to come off methotrexate seven or eight weeks ago, and have to wait for an appointment for another drug to be sorted at the end of October . It seems such a long time when every day is uncomfortable. I think maybe the rheumatology services are underfunded and short of staff and maybe they are sharing out care the best they can. Does everyone have this experience I wonder? I hope you find some good care soon.
UPDATE******* After complaining out of the blue I have just had a call from Rhuemy Nurse and offered another appointment on 28th September.... Just shows what can been done.. but shame it takes a complaint to sort! x