Has anyone had this I'm on mtx and sulpha fir 2 yrs. Noticed pin pick red spots on arms and neck now have on top of my feet . It's itchy but not bad . I've Google and it doesn't match anything exactly but was told blood blisters from low platelets but mine are high. It's not heat rash and has been ongoing for months now .
Pin pick rash: Has anyone had this I'm on mtx and... - NRAS
Pin pick rash

Hi I had a couple of rash incidents on top if arms and legs doctor sent me to dermatologists who gave me cream and something to use instead of soap. It has been okay since sorry can't be more help I would just say go back to gp if spreading. Xx
Mine were vasculitis spots but do get it checked out xx
Thanks u two vascilitis is my worry . I'll ring rheumy nurse Fri see if she can fit me in
Oh, I have this rash too. Looks like small red dots on my legs and feet. Aparently another joy of ingesting methotrexate. So I'm told! Think if my head dropped off that would be blamed on mex too!
Your suffering side effects have you a side effect drug like folic acid you should go too your doctors
I am on MTX and humira. I have had them on the side of my foot. Wondering why?
Most likley is the side effect of MTX, but I am not sure perhapes someone else know for sure. Cheers
I have these all over my body except neck and face thank god, had them for years been on hydro for 11 year methotrexate for 5 years now leflum nobody seems worried about these except me. They are under the skin, told burst blood vessels. Hope you get a diagnosis. My rhuemy been off sick a long time now, only saw her every 2 years nurse inbetween new rhuemy soon so if I get told different I will post xx keep well everyone