Further to previous post, I have now had a rash for a week, it is very red and itchy and mainly on face, ears, neck and chest. My lips are swollen with blisters/ulcers inside. GP has given me Eurax cream which helps a bit, but it`s driving me crazy. I contacted my rheumy nurse who send me for a blood test which was perfectly fine. I don`t know where to go from here, maybe it`s an allergy but I know that rashes can be a problem ( I also have secondary sjogrens). I take mtx and hydroxy ( been on them for 5 years). Has anyone experienced this?
RASH: Further to previous post, I have now had a rash... - NRAS

I developed a rash on my face and it turned out to be Lupus and all the tests came back positive. I've now been referred to a dermatologist.
I also developed a rash, mainly on my legs and lower back. It turned out to be Vasculitis a very rare and dangerous autoimmune disease.
If it were me - I'd go straight back and ask what else it might be. The previous posts might guide you?
Think I would see my Rheumy asap. MTX can cause serious side effects including to the lining of the mouth, rashes, etc.
Many thanks to everyone who replied to the rash situation. The hospital seems to have decided that as my bloods are ok, it isn`t an RA problem. I don`t agree and shall be contacting them further. I need to know it is the medication or whatever causing this so that I can do something about it. GP does not think it`s an allergy and he too believes it is to do with my condition. Getting anyone to see you at the hospital is not easy however