Hi, I am having a colonoscopy on Tuesday I'm scared of prep an colonoscopy has anyone got any tips, thinking of not having it done!
Scared to death of colonoscopy: Hi, I am having a... - NRAS
Scared to death of colonoscopy

Oh I completely understand your fears cos I felt just the same and so nearly cancelled mine. I found the prep inconvenient as much as anything and for me not being able to drink tea and the resulting headache was probably the worst of it. But my instructions said I could eat jelly so I made several batches of my favourite orange jelly and ate a few spoonfuls every time I felt the need for a sugar fix and a bit of comfort eating. I felt very headache and yucky by the morning of the procedure but the advantage of that was that I was far less worried about the colonoscopy itself and just wanted it done asap so I could have a cuppa and something to eat. if you can have sedation for the procedure you shouldn't know much about it until someone comes to offer you tea and biscuits after. As I said I so nearly cancelled but I'm so glad I didn't because the sheer relief of knowing the results after months of worry about the cause of my symptoms far outweighed the inconvenience and discomfort of the prep and the procedure. If you do decide to go ahead with it, really good luck and I hope the results are helpful and positive.
Hi, I've had a few over the years. While the prep taste yucky it's bearable. The procedure itself is totally great. The anesthesia is easy and you feel great when you wake up .. think of it as an expensive nap. Take the test. You'll be ok.
I have had a couple of these including a pill cam which was interesting. The prep and the results are probably the worst. My tips are stick to what they tell you you can have religiously, you don't want to have to starve yourself again because you didn't do as instructed. Drink lots and lots of water during, while and up until you have to go nil by mouth it will make a difference the next day, really, believe me. Refrigerate the mix as it goes down better cold. Get some baby wipes or something similar because after the 20th trip to the toilet you will be thanking me for suggesting them instead of just toilet paper. Stay close to the loo. Do not go out shopping or anything like that once you start the prep. Most of all don't panic, people have these done all the time and they are really nice and are aware of your embarrassment or any other terrible thoughts you may have. Have confidence in the people who will be assisting you on the day and ask questions if you have any, no question is too silly or dumb. Ok? good luck and best wishes
Don't be scared of colonoscopy ,I had one done two weeks ago. Just be brave, the procedure does not take long.less than 30 minutes. You are given a sedative drowsy but fully aware what's going on. The Movi prep was not that great. Every sip I drank I ate some jam or drank black tea or coffee. May be you will be able to tolerate it more than I did or suck a sweet. It's not that bad as it sounds. Look at the positive side. I was told of the result shortly after and they could not find anything. Good luck.
Thank you for all your comments, you have made me feel a bit better! I will let you know how I get on xx
Good morning
Please, don't be scared of the colonoscopy - I had one in autumn 2012 and because of the results I have to have one done every 3 years. I was worried sick beforehand but it's really no big deal.
What I did was avoid anything that's hard to digest (whole grains, raw fruit and veggies etc.) starting a week before the procedure so that the prep would not be too uncomfortable. I ate soup, rice, white bread, pureed and cooked fruit / veggies etc. And it helped! I drank sips of ginger ale in between the laxative and it wasn't as horrible as I'd imagined. Probably best to buy a few magazines and just stay close to the loo for the whole time
For the procedure itself I got a sedative and an anaesthetic and I was out of it for the whole time (I had an endoscopy done at the same time, no idea how long it took). The doctor and nurses were very nice, they're used to patients being panicky about it all. I felt slightly nauseous and woozy afterwards from the drugs but was recovered very soon. There is no limitation what you can eat after the procedure, which was a relief after a week of dull food!
Good luck and don't worry
Love, Christine xx
Hi I felt like you do, and was scared, but it was fine, I never felt a thing I slept as soon as they sedated me, and woke up in my little rest room. The worst is drinking that awful liquid, but I made a jug up and put orange squash in it and it helps a little bit as the taste is like drinking sea water.. I drank ice cold tap water in between drinking the liquid and black tea. Stay close to the loo, and keep wipes and a jar of Vaseline handy as you can get a sore but. My results were good, and no problems, so it's worth having done and having a peace of mind.
Good luck
Please don't avoid having it done . Whatever the specific reason ( ie what they are hoping to rule out), it is entirely in your interest. They don't do it for occupational therapy! The prep' isn't pleasant, but it doesn't last long. And for the procedure itself, you will be given a sedative and really won't care what they are doing. In my case, the throat one was done first, and by the time they got to the colonoscopy, the sedation had run out and they couldn't give me any more. That WAS unpleasant. Another time, I would certainly ask to have them done on separate occasions. if you happen to be regularly taking any sedating drug, do tell them, as this will effect your tolerance. The other respondents have given excellent advice about reducing the nastiness of the prep; I really can't add to that.
Good luck, and do let us know when it's over, and you feel proud of yourself. Jora
I was to, I was screaming, nothing
stopped pain, so they gave me a
virtual Scan ----
Worked ---- no pain
Hello Lit
I just had one several weeks ago and was found clear, on the day of the test.
Generally now they give the choice to sedate or not, there is no nerves in the bowel so it does not hurt although they do give pain medications as well with muscle relaxants as well so you remember very little of the test.
If they find anything on the day they will treat or remove the problem at the time of the inspection and they will tell you after the work was done and you should get your results there and then. They will confirm the result as well in the post so you get results on the day in writing and a further letter about two to three weeks later.
Your GP and Specialist would rather you have the procedure and see nothing than you having problems later so do not worry. All will put your mind at rest
Hi. Firstly I would say that not having it done is not an option. Secondly, I have had 2 colonoscopies and I wouldn't hesitate having another one if necessary. You have to starve for 24 hours before but you are given something to drink that will clear you out in that time. This drink also provides the nutrients, vitamins etc that you need to replace food and you are not hungry. When you arrive for the procedure you are asked to put on a gown with opening in back and you will be asked if you want sedation or not (I said I wanted sedation when I checked in at desk, then again to nurse, then again to doctor. Better to be on the safe side!!) Although it is only sedation and you are not put out at all I can't remember a second of either of them. Apparently I was talking to them through the procedure but know nothing of it. I walked in, got on the bed and the next I knew I was on a trolley in the recovery room. Please don't worry about it any more. I promise you will be fine. All the best
Morning Lit had to answer you I have had 2 have them with having Chrons. I was terrified same as you but don't not have it done I still get worried but it's worth it. And take a book the
Loo when you had the prep you will be fine. I will sill be scared next time but sounds worse than it is xxx
Hi lit please go ahead with as it will give you peace of mind.I had it done twice not pleasant just a bit uncomfortable not nearly as bad as you think so try not to worry about it hope it all goes well for you
Make sure you have some sudocream and baby wipes as your bottom gets very sore with all the wiping once the bowel prep starts to take effect. Personally, once I'd taken the bowel prep, the effects of it were nowhere near as bad as the diarrhoea that I had been suffering. I had sedation and don't remember anything. Clemmie
Thank you so much for putting my mind at rest! I will post when I've had it done x
It really isn't as bad as you think it is going to be. I had one a few years ago and dreaded it, like you. The worst part was the bland diet and meds beforehand and that wasn't too bad. I thought I would be embarrassed during the procedure but everyone was so matter of fact that I wasn't at all. I even got to look at the screen to see what they were seeing.
You can do it!
I have these fairly regularly as I have Crohn's disease as well as RA. Prep is awful and by far the worst part. The procedure is uncomfortable but not painful and well worth having done. Don't put it off, it is well worth having
I am glad you are having it done. A colonoscopy would have probably saved my fathers life. I have had 2 and had small polyps each time. They were caught before they became cancerous. I get one every 3 years. The prep is uncomfortable, the procedure is no problem. Colonoscopies save lives every day.
Well just started my first prep here we go! X
Hello, hopefully by now you are well on way through the prep and hope you are managing. Really and truly I found the preparation worse than the procedure and as I think I said before by the time I got.to the hospital I was just ready for it to be over and some with so I could have a cuppa and something to eat.
I'm thinking of you and hope so much that it's a positive appointment and that the results are helpful.
I agree the prep was worse than the the procedure with hindsight. The fear was awful. I was terrified the first time and almost walked out. Can just about remember bits especially some pain on one side. The second time i was wary because of the pain i had but twas a breeze. i made myself relax totally and chatted and watched on the screen. I did have pain at one point but he stopped, pulled tube back a bit and continued with no pain at all. Am guessing that's what should have happened the first time.
Hope all went ok
Hi Lit27st,
Hope all went well,
best wishes
Beverley (NRAS Helpline)
Hi all, the bowel prep wasn't as bad as I thought. The colonoscopy went well. Had sedation and gas and air, so glad I had it done and feel proud of myself.
I have been diagnosed with Diviculitus at least now I know what I'm dealing with and get some treatment. Thank you everyone For all your kind words and helping me get though it! X
Trust me the Prep is nothing compared to the Rectal Cancer that killed my little brother. Colon cancer is killing more and more people -- young people. In my case there was a genetic link and I was terrified. I just showed up the the nurses took great care of me and my results were positive too!