Hi. I have recently been diagnosed with Inflammatory Arthritis. Just getting my head around it all but would like to ask whether it can affect your teeth? These have been very sensitive and upon flossing this morning, one of my teeth broke off. I am a regular visitor to the dentist for routine checkups and never have any problems at all. It is another blow on top of the chronic pain and fatigue that I am facing atm.
Newly diagnosed with Inflammatory Arthritis - NRAS
Newly diagnosed with Inflammatory Arthritis

The teeth can be brittle if there is a lack of minerals,in the past when children were born they would suffer from something like that. They would try and keep the childs primary teeth in longer
Also when pregnant woman teeth would need to be watched as the child would use the Mothers minerals.
Mind that was in the fifties and they would supply vitamins for parent and child.
Have not heard about it although I suppose possibly the make up of the tooth could be poor
Yes, there is a link between RA and tooth decay/gum disease but that's an issue for your dentist. My dentist knows I have RA and taking Methotrexate. Does yours? I had a tooth break off 10 days ago and I may have to have a chat with my dentist about my situation as I have been suffering from a recurring ache in one area of my gums.
I have incredibly fragile teeth, but its not from inflammatory arthritis, its from the malabsorption caused by too many years of undiagnosed coeliac disease. Malabsorption problems from any kind of inflammatory bowel disease (including crohns and colitis) can also contribute, and if your inflammatory arthritis is spondyloarthritis (rather than RA) then inflammatory bowel diseases often go hand in hand with spondy. Ask your GP to screen you for coeliac with a blood test. If thats negative, then make sure you mention any gut problems to your rheumatologist, and they may then suggest referral for further investigation.
The other problem (that usually leads to decay rather than fragile teeth) that goes along with any autoimmune condition is secondary sjogrens, or sicca syndrome - thats the chronic dry mouth and dry eyes. It can be a primary autoimmune condition, in which case it has a systemic effect, but a lot of us have poor tear production and dry mouth and nose and if you don't have enough saliva to wash away food, etc then your teeth can suffer.
Thank you earthwitch thats really useful to know.
That's rubbish for you, diagnosis and sore mouth. I hope the dentist helps. I use specialist toothpaste for sensitivity and fluoride mouthwash as told by my dentist. Good luck on your appointment x
There is a trend of opinion that a major causative agent in is dental decay and the concomitant bacteria which affect the gut causing 'leaky gut syndrome' Google RA and dental decay for
more info