Heya there prob is a thread somewear about it.
But just wondering if anyone has had a pop interview? And how it went and what do they ask you?
Heya there prob is a thread somewear about it.
But just wondering if anyone has had a pop interview? And how it went and what do they ask you?
Hi holly2812,
I had my F2F assessment last month on the 18th, if you look at my profile you should see my post about PIP,
But here is a like to what they ask you, legislation.gov.uk/uksi/201...
Hope it helps.
marcus6 x
I'll have a look thank you.
How did you get on at your interview? Do you find out there and then on how much you could get? X
The assessment went ok, but they don't tell you there & then! it gets sent of to DWP and you have to wait about 4-5 weeks and then they will phone you or send you a letter out to let you know if you got PIP or not.
good link marcus6 wish I had seen that before I went to my assessment , it took them 11 weeks to sent report . and I was turned down, they said it would be 7 week before I get report for them to look again now they say 11 weeks its now 11 months since I first applied ,if I need to appeal it will take up to a year.
Did you not ask for a reconsideration? as this is a must, before you can appeal, but the reconsideration must be asked for with in 1 month, and then if you still don't get it then you can go to appeal,
have you reapplied for it now?
have a look on this site for help!! youreable.com very good help over there.
hi they have been reconsidering for 8 weeks now I was told it will take another 4 weeks then it I am not successful I can appeal this could take up to a year I could reapply but will lose this claim, so I am going to stick it out.
Hi junebee,
Get onto your MP as i know a lot have done this and it speeds things up.
Hi Holly, have a look on ..benefitsandwork.co.uk/ If you join up you can get guides on how to fill out the forms with detailed information on descriptors and points awarded! It goes through every stage of your application including assessments, reconsiderations and appeals. It's a really good site.