I am currently working away on NRAS’s submissions to the Independent Reviews of both Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). PIP is replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and is a non-means tested benefit, comprised of both a mobility and care component, designed to help disabled people live independent lives. The Work Capability Assessment is the functional test which determines eligibility for Employment Support Allowance (ESA). ESA has replaced Incapacity Benefit for those who are unable to work due to long term illness or disability.
This will be the 5th Review of the WCA and ESA which is being undertaken by Dr Litchfield and the very first Independent Review of PIP, led by Paul Gray. These Reviews are a great opportunity to highlight our concerns about these benefits and the experiences of people with RA.
To make my submission as strong and informative as possible it would be fantastic to have information about your experiences of claiming these two benefits. So if you are receiving, or in the process of claiming, ESA and/or PIP please do get in touch with me via laura@nras.org.uk or 0845 458 3969 and share your experience.
If you have experiences of claiming ESA it is very important that you get in touch and, if possible, answer the following questions by Monday, 11th August:
• How did you find the process of claiming and receiving Employment Support Allowance? (50 words)
• If you had a face to face work capability assessment, how did you find the experience? (50 words)
• What was your experience of the Work Related Activity Group and the actions required of you within it? (50 words)
• If you have been through it, what has been your experience of Mandatory Reconsideration and the Appeals process? (50 words)
If you have experience of claiming PIP I would be very grateful if you could get in touch and answer the following questions by Monday, 1st September:
• How did you find the process of claiming PIP? (50 words)
• If you have had a face to face assessment how did you find the experience? (50 words)
• How well did you feel the process captured the nature of your condition and any fluctuation? (50 words)
• Did you feel you were awarded an adequate level of support for your needs? (50 words)
Please contact me on laura@nras.org.uk or 0845 458 3969. The experiences you have very kindly shared with us before have been invaluable in our work around Welfare and benefit changes. Your help is very much appreciated and very important so please do get in touch.
The Disability Benefits Consortium is also running two surveys to capture claimants’ experiences. Please do complete them if you can as they are very, very helpful.
Big Benefits Survey 2014: surveymonkey.com/s/DBCsurve...
PIP Monitoring Survey: surveymonkey.com/s/DBC_PIP_...
Laura, Government Affairs Officer, NRAS