After 15 years of primary school runs today my youngest leaves primary school. I asked him if he wanted special tea etc he wants his mum to walk to school then walk home with him like we used to before I got I'll. I am completely dosing myself up . its a five min walk I have a fold up stick to get me there which I can hide from other parents on arrival.seeing other mums putting on Facebook how glad they are not to have to walk to school for the holidays. I would kill to whizz here and I there like I used too.. I am so scared I won't manage it when few years ago I would run ten km few times a week
Only you lot will get this: After 15 years of primary... - NRAS
Only you lot will get this

Awwww, I'm in tears for you. My daughter did that on a camping trip when I couldn't keep up with the others . I hope it goes well and you are proud of your grown up boy. Xx
You'll get there for your boy. Please don't hide your stick, it's nothing to be ashamed of & if anybody does happen to remark on it tell them what you've told us & maybe just maybe they'll be a little inspired & happy for you.
I did it mums all saw stick and nothing was said. I walked home sorry hobbled and then slept for an hour .. rock n roll my life eh xx
Well done you! Guess your lad was pleased, mum collecting him?! Sometimes we get worked up about things & it works out that it's for no reason you then wonder why you do it. I've done it & get somewhat cross with myself for doing it.
Rest up rock chick lol!!! x
Totally understand this. Thank you for sharing and well done you !
Why hide the stick? Be proud of it. The other mums will probably think (if they think anything at all), that you should be congratulated for making the effort if walking is a problem that you need a stick for.
bless you , I really feel for you , you will do it and may pay for it later , but go for it , this horrible disease takes away so much not just for us but for our families too , he will be proud of his brave mum I hope x
I love this story, thanks for sharing Norfolkjo. So glad you managed to do the walk and made your son happy, he sounds like a very special lad to ask only for your time. I say if anyone says anything about your stick, beat them with it! ha! I'm joking! x
The only issue with thr stick was if kids teased him. Im not bothered xc
Well done girl, you're a fab example to us all! We are blessed that we get to appreciate the small things in life most tale for granted. *also imagine what it would be like whizzzzzzzz around again* x